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ouling last won the day on May 22 2018

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  1. Used 8 months (have receipts) and still have local warranty. Works perfectly. $75 Kembangan 8786 six208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. 1L phosguard 80% full $20 Kent Kalk half full, 120 grams left $6 Liquid calcium reactor with MG 3/4 full $5 Standard 200 micron filter sock 3 bucks each Aquatic life New DI cartridge 35 PH meter 5 Food, free if u buy stuff. All in 50 bucks if you take it all. 87866208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. 1L phosguard 80% full $20 Kent Kalk half full, 120 grams left $6 Liquid calcium reactor with MG 3/4 full $5 Standard 200 micron filter sock 3 bucks each Aquatic life New DI cartridge 35 PH meter 5 Food, free if u buy stuff. All in 50 bucks if you take it all. 87866208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. 1L phosguard 80% full $20 Kent Kalk half full, 120 grams left $6 Liquid calcium reactor with MG 3/4 full $5 Standard 200 micron filter sock 3 bucks each Aquatic life New DI cartridge 35 PH meter 5 Food, free if u buy stuff. All in 50 bucks if you take it all. 87866208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Pic attached Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. There are two pieces, please see the picture below. There are a few very large rainbow ricordia attached to them, those alone are worth 60 bucks. 120 takes it 87966208 Kembangan Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. 1 Yellow tang, pretty big and fat 3 clowns 5 - 10 damsel & chromis 1 diamond goby 1 lawnmower blenny $40 for everything!!!!! 87866208 @ Kembangan
  8. Price change. $30 for both if you pick up this weekend at Kembangan. 87866208
  9. Please see picture below on this 8 month old tank and stand. $888 for stand and tank. This is not the laminate stand you get in Singapore, it's solid wood, painted, with molding. The tank is 3*2*2ft with 3 sided crystal glass. Please see my build thread for detail pictures. 87866208 for more info @ Kembangan Thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 87866208. I don't know what the post above is about...
  11. 8786 six208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Super sun $40 bucks. The other dendro is also $30 Take both for 60! 8786 six208 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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