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  1. he used to have 3 xr15 before swapping to ilumagic x check his setup
  2. Looking good i like the marble version, i think if u want to have sps you need 3rd light maybe later since u alrdy spent alot
  3. the only thing concern me that there is many cables gonna come out from the fixture
  4. It seems I'm gonna follow your advice, I've read alot of articles about how good T5's good for sps growth, tbh that wasn't one of my options till you mentioned them , thanks alot
  5. Planing to get the Red Sea 250 so its 90cm
  6. Yeah I like the illumination x app which control everything, this one of the options tho but won't look nice since i have to use their mount. and can't cell mount it. I'm not sure if there is a good Chinese brands here in Singapore sure u guys are expert
  7. To be honest i don't have a specific budget i only want the best to keep sps
  8. Hello Reefers, Been out from the hobby for abt 9 years , even tho 9 years ago i didn't have the best tank setup since it was very difficult to get good equip back days in Kuwait. The only main issue was the lightning tho anyway Cant stop looking at forums/youtube the past 9 years, tried nano planted tanks i like them but cant compare to Saltwater aquariums Question is: Best lightning for mostly SPS Red sea 250 reefer ? I saw many options around but i don't want to do same as last mistake by choosing wrong equip and re buy the right ones Thanks in Advance
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