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Articles Section...


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  • SRC Member


I was hoping that an articles section could be set up to store some of the more "permanent" threads, eg. how to hatch brineshrimp, how to set up DSB or whatever...

Coz now when I need to look for an article I have to do a search which can sometimes be quite frustrating... would be better if everything was in one place, outside the forum.

In that way in case of a crash it would be easier to retrive...

What say you?

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  • SRC Member

Agree with U guys. It can B quite "challenging", trying 2 source 4 some of the info. Not everyone has the luxury 2 read each post & sometimes it gets very confusing lah (4 me anyway) ... information overload! ;) It would B nice if the common questions & answers get complied in a relevant section/pinned so its easier 4 everyone 2 access. Also convenient 4 newbies 2 check up all the newbie questions. MayB this won't infuriate the seniors so much coz D newbies R asking the sames questions repeatedly.

I dun know, just my humble opinion as a newbie, mayB I'm wrong.

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