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section for Marine Planted Tank


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We have nano reef, FOWLR, species tank, reef fish only, ...

Can we have section for marine planted tank? Is tere anyone keeping a marine planted tank to take advantage of the phosphate and nitrate removal capability of the plants? I know some have plants in the sump but how about in the main display?

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We have nano reef, FOWLR, species tank, reef fish only, ...

Can we have section for marine planted tank? Is tere anyone keeping a marine planted tank to take advantage of the phosphate and nitrate removal capability of the plants? I know some have plants in the sump but how about in the main display?

It is difficult to maintain a marine planted.. Been there and done that... Not many true vaacular marine plants we can get in Singapore...

I only found Zostera sp, a few Halophila sp and some Thalassia sp... Have not kept them long term so not sure how hardy are they...

Caulerpa is a no no as they will go asexual after sometime with exception of C. prolifera...

Also have tried Gracilaria sp... Will melt after sometimes...

Udotea sp will turn white if not enough calcium and Kh in your tank...

Ulva sp is quite okay but you need to find a way to stick them to a rock if not it will float around...

Marine Planted will require dosing of Iron for the plant, they absorb Iron...

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Not sure how hard it is but my current setup has various plants that just appeared from nowhere and growing.

from ulva to some red plants like string, fern type to short n long Hair algae and maybe seaweeds. Not good in id'ing but

i will post for others to identify.

Is it not good that we hv that section so we can

share experiences and information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is difficult to maintain a marine planted.. Been there and done that... Not many true vaacular marine plants we can get in Singapore...

I only found Zostera sp, a few Halophila sp and some Thalassia sp... Have not kept them long term so not sure how hardy are they...

Caulerpa is a no no as they will go asexual after sometime with exception of C. prolifera...

Also have tried Gracilaria sp... Will melt after sometimes...

Udotea sp will turn white if not enough calcium and Kh in your tank...

Ulva sp is quite okay but you need to find a way to stick them to a rock if not it will float around...

Marine Planted will require dosing of Iron for the plant, they absorb Iron...

Yeah coming from a freshwater planted background, the difference and difficulty in maintaining a marine planted seem like an exponential learning curve. I do not have a marine planted tank just to clarify but the impression i always get and hear about are how difficult it is etc.

Maybe having a dedicated section to planted marine tank could

1) dispel these myths or reinforce the difficulty in maintaining marine plantted

2) help interested hobbyist to exchange information and find out more

3) raise awareness about the marine planted tank and its role in the ecosystem of a reef tank (assuming it's part of the reef system)

4) forumers to post their experience in this area like what Terryz did

5) a section for newbies like me to post pictures on marine plants and clarify the ID


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  • 1 year later...
1329714724' post=1030762']

I have recently modified my tank and the whole tank looks like marine planted tank and my fishes love to eat them.......kinda self-funding which nonid buy pellets or other food............how do I insert picture here?

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