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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2017 in all areas

  1. This is 3years of reefing. It always shaken off my bad mood while enjoying a cup of coffee by the side.
    1 point
  2. Nice! I would add 2 key words (written in blood :)) "Patience" - translate to take things slow, slow as in put 1-2 fish in a 4-5 weeks intervals, let the biology mature (i know it's extremely hard and most people will not follow, but we are talking about live creatures here, it's heart breaking to see them die because of our mistakes) "Quarantine" - start from day 1 and setup a quarantine tank, store systems infested with parasites and other crap, if you follow advise above, you can easily aclimate and treat new fish in a small (50l) quarantine tank for 3 weeks before moving to the main tank, this will save you A LOT of frustration and money, it's the best investment you would do (iMO doing this for couple of years)
    1 point
  3. That background fits perfectly into the scape Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  4. Change all the product to Nyos.
    1 point
  5. Yes. It was a problem 2 weeks ago. I got ick and algae blooming all over. Then I do weekly wc and start working on NO3 PO4 . And I turn on white light for 12 hrs a day. Now I cut off white to 3~5hrs. 8hrs artic blue. Now coral line algae are taking over
    1 point
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