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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2018 in all areas

  1. As the title suggested, my blue spotted sea hare lay its eggs in a ball of algae, the egg looks like similar to a toads. Long, stringy and little brown egg in it. What should i do? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  2. There are two kinds of bacteria you want to take note of. Chemo-autotrophs and heterotrophic. Chemo autotrophs (nitrifying bacteria) are of nitrosomonas and nitrobacter genus, responsible for oxidising ammonia into nitrite and then to nitrate. Commonly marketed as instant cycle products. Using such products at this time makes sense because you are cycling your tank. Prodibio startup fits the description. Heterotrophic bacteria on the other hand is the bacteria we use for nitrate and phosphate export. I have shown in an experiment that it only works when a carbon source is provided. In my experiment I used biopellets ( polyhydroxybutyrate), but any carbon source would do. The bacteria product used was zeobak. Adding heterotrophic bacteria without a carbon source does not reduce nutrients levels. Also once system is STABLE, I actually see little reason to dose heterotrophic bacteria. The correct term for carbon dosing is actually stoichiometric manipulation of nutrient levels. They key is to raise carbon level rather than focus on the bacteria. I hope this clears up your confusion. Must be discerning and prudent about what we add
    1 point
    1 point
  4. Look like this thread was dead long ago, but then this is the primary seahorse thread I can find in this forum. 2 weeks ago, I brought 4 seahorses from aquamarine marine pet. These are remaining stock (1 male & 3 females), the shop keeper want to clear them also. There are some seahorse lovers interested in my update, so I shifted to this thread. I put seahorses in my sump tank. Feed twice daily, morning before I go to work and night. I often observe them and adjust the setup. Attach is my short video, knights of the square table. Pic attached also. 20180224_203426.mp4
    1 point
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