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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey. Look forward to updates. I posted a newbie guide recently on SRC page. I guess you are now more experienced & am keen to follow your journey. In any case, for the others who are keen, this is the new tank guide. Part 2 coming soon. https://www.sgreefclub.com/home/starting-your-first-marine-tank-overview-to-plan-your-equipment-and-budget-part-1/
    3 points
  2. Actually most reefers including me, want to save money in the beginning by buying inferior stuff, in the end upgrade waste more money. This hobby is better to plan ahead on in terms of livestock and equipment, know ur budget and know what you want, the only way is to be more patient and not rush into buying something, do more research. I would say this hobby is generally expensive, the equipment that makes life easier for u is not cheap. just take chiller for example, u wan save money for chiller, go buy fan, u initially tink u definitely can do the manual topup cos fan the evaporation can be crazy. But end of day with work and family commitment is not sustainable. Not expert here, just sharing my 2 cents, hope it helps. happy reefing! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    3 points
  3. For new reefer, don't rush in to setup everything at the beginning after watching youtube. E.g reactor, dosing pump, refugium etc. Alot of things may not even be required during reefing journey. Start simple with the basic equipments and add along the way when needed. E.g. If your tank is small or low bioload, regular water change can already top up elements, nutrient export. This can save the money for dosing pump, reactor etc. Setup up more equipments also mean more room for failure and you will need to standby redundancy. Especially when u go holiday. Understand your problem then find the suitable solution to it. Lastly, DIY will help u save alot too just need to read up more. Just my 2 cents.
    2 points
  4. Hmmm. Coincidentally, the door top right corner marks look similar.
    2 points
  5. Quite a dishonest seller if all these potentially catastrophic damages are not shared with you fully. To wilfully conceal these defects is truly low. The cabinet will give way and it is very dangerous. You are entitled to a full refund imo. If you are willing, I believe this community is going to stand behind you. I have bought defective 2nd hand items and even tank that leaked upon fill up before and the sellers were very steady to refund with no questions asked. I believe my experiences are the norm rather than the exception, cos the community is tight knit like that. Share the seller, lets see how we can proceed.
    2 points
  6. Hello all , letting go this zoas frag ( more than 10 pp) ID : Gatorades Price : $40 Collection -West PM to discuss Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. A beginner's guide to reduce burning cash could be: Avoid Playing Corals, especially LPS and SPS where you will need to spend alot for dosing, chiller, etc. Soft corals still okay. Keep Tank Small. Avoid spending much on products just because it is popular. It might not be really necessary. Try to keep tank in a cooler environment in your house to make it cheaper for you in getting it cool. Do not overstock or buy fishes so rapidly. If one brings in some parasite like velvet or ick, it could wipe out all your other fishes. Stock up slowly and choose fishes who are healthy and are from healthy tanks. Do not get tempted by what you see online of other reefer's tanks. Just be happy with yours.
    1 point
  8. Read more , ask around . A lot of senior reefers are there to chip in their advises . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. I read somewhere reefing need not be expensive . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Hi bro, please check PM thanks
    1 point
  11. Location? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  12. Very convenient during cleaning especially! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  13. @JJtheReeferare you the seller? i rmb you are selling one redsea nano.
    1 point
  14. As I need to reduce bioload soon, I am hoping to rehome it soon. Willing to let go at $30 only.
    1 point
  15. Can you share who you bought the tank from?
    1 point
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