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Everything posted by blueheaven

  1. Hi guys, I need to know ASAP if a Eheim 1264 can replace a Resun MD55 for use as a return pump. Will the flowrate be more or the same or lower? Thanks!
  2. Sure, this is the EXIF Exposure: 1/8 sec at f/8 Focal Length: 62mm ISO: ISO 100 Flash: Did not fire Make: Nikon Corporation Model: Nikon D80 Lens: 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5
  3. Yeah it was hard though, to convince my parents that I need it for the tank. They're all purists who think that digitalised equipment spoil the fun of the hobby. Oh well at least I can be assured that the meltdown doesn't happen anymore...
  4. Luckily no, there's no casualty It turned out that the milky effluent clogged up the effluent pipe and so the corals are fine. Got myself a CO2 tank with dual regulators and solenoid controlled by a pH controller today. Thanks a lot bro kueytoc!
  5. Lesson learnt: NEVER think you know how much CO2 you're pumping in your CR and NEVER trust cheap regulators
  6. I'm looking for an affordable CO2 regulator or if possible, with pH controller and solenoid in the budget of 200+ because just a few days ago, I learnt a big lesson. It doesn't mean that if you got a huge CR, you can afford to agar agar your CO2 dosage. If anyone selling the above, pls do PM me thanks!
  7. Thanks guys! Glad you liked the pics
  8. Used my school's D80 and a Sigma 17-70 for the shots Currently also using a D80 myself but lent it to a friend The Canon system will have to wait haha
  9. And last pic for the day This huge hammer coral that my dad got without my consent
  10. My little zoo corner Still growing slow as ever
  11. Some new pics of stuff in my tank First up, a new rock of yumas
  12. Actually rotifers can be considered as a form of zooplankton. Generally I don't think SPS need to be fed in captivity as the food they get from the photosynthetic action of zooxanthellae should be enough. Anyway, if you can't get rotifers locally, you can try ordering the cysts online from sites like Florida Aqua Farms. But do note that they're not cheap though...
  13. Yeah I believe the key is to make sure a cycle goes on in the system I mean what is produced is taken in by another organism. Like bro copperband, I too keep a largely SPS reef and I haven't changed water for the past 2 years already. However, I'd suggest that if you have the time and need a workout, just change out some water
  14. Changing water is quite a controversial thing People swear by it and people have been successful NOT doing it Well, subjected to your tank's setup, I think its still better to change out once in a while
  15. The key apparently when I first got my bunch of chaeto was to keep it in a water stream that would cause the bunch to rotate. And nope you do not want to pump CO2 into your tank to grow them
  16. Hi guys, I still have 2 Olympus lenses for sale. These are quality Digital lenses by Olympus 1) 35mm Zuiko Digital MACRO - $300 Comes with Hoya UV filter 2+ months old 2) 40-150mm Zuiko Digital - $350 Comes with lens hood and Tokina Skylight 1A filter 3+ months old Take both I'll sell them at $600 total SMS me at 92986195 if interested
  17. To clarify for those who asked, the kit refers to the body + 14-45mm Zuiko lens
  18. Kit offer for $700 Includes the E500 body and a 14-45mm Zuiko lens SMS me at 92986195 if you're interested
  19. Ok I'll throw in 4 original Xbox games too 1) Forza Motorsport 2) Mech Assault 2 Lone Wolf Limited Edition 3) Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction 4) Star Wars Edpisode III Revenge of the Sith
  20. Special price for SRC members: $1100 You get a full DSLR system with 3 lenses, 2GB card, card reader and full fledged photography course with expeditions with professionals. What more can you ask for?
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