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Status Updates posted by Solo77

  1. Hi, have a curve 9. Can SMs at 97858289 for photo. Ty

  2. Long time no shit stirrer.....shall see how all these lame stirrers going to behave childishly.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solo77


      U very free huh, lol

    3. Jameshong


      Indeed long time no chinese wayang show liao.I need some pop corn pls..lol

    4. thomas_lim


      James, is puppet show la. you know those kind people at the back pull string one. The clown usually in the front. LOL

  3. Russia, Russia, Russia....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Solo77


      Lol. Let's hold at lfs. Suggestion? Lol

    3. orsony


      Must Have Starhub or Mio Leh. Plus at least 47" TV

    4. Eniram


      Lions lions lions!!

      Hold at LFS on final day with Fiji shipment! Ultimate distractions!

  4. Crab.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Solo77


      Wait till crabs all out and boil them one shot

    3. orsony


      Wow. Then have to wait long long for this meal

    4. sunny03


      still no crab ?

  5. Shall see how long those gem fishes be kept and sold at premium to profit, disgusting.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yikai


      thomas you got my semifasciatus already? hope one of them turns into a good male for you.

    3. Solo77


      Haha...think will be hybrid....all turned a qua....

    4. thomas_lim


      Lemon2, they are doing fine now. thanks!

      Fred, if turn ah kua, will be super rare liao..

      Maybe can see at very good price :)

  6. Bro, u stays punggol right? Long time no see. Collection at punggol central. Do pm me yr contact and I will get back to u. Thanks.

  7. Hi, interested in selcon and the dainichi food. 97858289. Thks.

  8. Thks. Good day to u.

  9. Can reserve for viewing? My contact is 97858289. Thks.

  10. Hi, are u the orphek led agent ? Thks.

  11. Barcelona 3 - Man U 1

    1. uLtRaMaN


      Great game, MU was outplayed, it was like big boys against little kids.....damn good Barca truly deserved to be the champion of champions!!!

  12. Bro, smsed u, did u receive? Got one mce500 for trade.

  13. Can I have ah bac contact ? Thks

  14. Hi, interested in yr light. My contact is 97858289. Thks.

  15. Bro, how much is the supersun? Thks.

  16. Someone shld interview the leaders on their sense of job insecurity

  17. Bro, interested in yr 3x corallife UV. My number is 97858289. Thks.

  18. Hi bro, will like to have yr tank if still available. My contact is 97858289. Thks.

  19. iPad 2 launching on 11 Mar 11

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pokmingsheng


      i wonder how will the pricing be.. will it be like iphone4? turned out cheaper than the 3GS

    3. Solo77


      Seems like, chk out, price out on the website(us). Got their notification via email and can place order.

    4. Jameshong


      hmmmmm...I'm waiting for it too.

  20. Bro, how much are u looking at and u know the version?

  21. Any height requirement? Thought of using it for my same qt tank. Thks.

  22. Not going farm this week. Will go next week.

  23. Hi, interested in yr e and f. 97858289. Stays punggol.

  24. Interested in yr powder blue. If still available, kindly SMS me at 97858289. Thks.

  25. Is it still available? Thks. 97858289.

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