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klyve last won the day on March 27 2021

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About klyve

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  1. Upzz for u bro.. long time never seen you..how are you?
  2. Have the following stable for sales. Around 2.5"+ With me for close to 1 year Reason for selling : reduce bio load
  3. 1 ) reddish pink arco - $10 2 ) Acropora efflorescens ( blue tip) - $20 Pink body , yellow tip , red ploy $280 ( whole colony) Collection at sengkang
  4. Can WA me at 9-two-9-eight-seven-seven-1 - eight for pic.
  5. Have the following to clear 1 ) grafted monti - $20 2 ) Aussie Plating microclados $30 ( coins for reference, will frag once confirmed) 3 ) Acropora efflorescens $30 ( coins for reference, will frag once confirmed) 4 ) 2nd pic is the colony. $70 ( coins for reference, will frag once confirmed) 5 ) purple Granulosa $30 6 ) blue tip arco -$10 7 ) reddish pink Arco - $20 8 ) Aussie lime green arco - $20 Thanks for viewing Collection at sengkang
  6. 1 ) colour is blue not green $20 2 ) Aussie plating 3 ) Pikachu - $50 4 ) Smooth skin sps $20 5 ) tenuis 1 for $25 6 ) valida - $40 7 ) tubbs stellata - $30 8 ) Gonia - $30 9 ) gonia -$20 10 ) iron man blasto should have around 6 to 7 heads - $150 11 ) 2 head Rics - $50 12 ) omega zoa's more then 15 heads - $20 WYSIWYG collection at sengkang Thanks for viewing
  7. 9 & 10 sold.. Upzz for the rest
  8. No.9 sold Rest are still available
  9. 1 ) Rics - 2 head $50 2) st Thomas mushroom - $80 3 ) gonia - $100 4 ) gonia - suppose to be purple testicules with green body Abit run off due to not enough light hence selling $30 5 ) green flower pot $20 6 ) omega zoa's - $15 7) Tubbs Stellata Monti around palm size - $30 8 ) iron man blasto, have 5 heads, mine have some baby popping out behind,can't see clearly. -$150 9 ) cute baby prata around palm size - $160 10 ) Aussie scoly - take all 6 for $$1200 Collection at sengkang Thanks for viewing
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