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Everything posted by stackdeck

  1. There is a piece of air filter pad they sell for air conditioning units, good for chillers, to keep dust out.
  2. They were being kept at tropical temps at the shops, just temp acclimated them before I put them in the tank.
  3. The current tank is just a test for a possible larger future setup, 2x1.5x1.5 12mm acrylic tank with a Daeil 1/7 Chiller. Electric bill has risen significantly but am unsure how much of it is due to the coldwater tank, as I've set up 2 large freshwater tanks in the same month. As for livestock, at the moment my fish (Blue Devil & Garibaldi) were both bought locally without specially being imported. What fish/inverts are you looking at?
  4. Most important thing is tank insulation. Either thick acrylic or dual paned glass.
  5. You can try something like this.
  6. Has anyone done a stand with Prestech before? Any minimum lengths for cutting?
  7. 7" Paraplesiops meleagris from CF. Fins are spilt pretty badly and seems to have ich, but is feeding well and hopefully will recover. Has anyone kept this fish before? Any tips would be great.
  8. Can't remember the exact size, but was quoted $8xx the last I enquired.
  9. Anyone know the size range for the Squamosa's at Aquarist Chamber?
  10. It would eat leftover mysis when small, pieces of frozen prawn about once a week when larger.
  11. The ones I've kept before never attacked any fish (though fish were about the same size). Big ones tend to topple rocks though.
  12. Looks like a Babylonia snail, you can google for more pics to confirm. If I recall correctly they feed on other snails.
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