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Everything posted by newtriofisheries

  1. Caribbean Shipment Flame Angel Rock Beauty Royal Gramma Black Storm Clown Blue Neon Goby Helfrich's Goby Flame Hawk Achilles Tang (M - XXL) Black Tang (M) White Tail Kole Tang Mystery Wrasse
  2. Dear All, We are taking pre-order for Achilles Tang - small size. Achilles Tang = small size (supplier only indicate S , M or L not in other sizes) Price = $280/pcs (will be cheaper if landed cost is lower) Order = Please PM me with your name and handphone nbr. ( can WhatsApp me at 84482260) Shipment date : will announce later (need to check stock first) Thank-you Steven
  3. Small Shipment Gem Tang - 2 inch & 3.5 inch ($1200) Only few pcs
  4. Last week shipment, Achilles Tang (XXL) - $550 Royal Gramma = $30-$35 Yellow Tang (S) = $35 Flame Hawk = $45-$50
  5. Caribbean Shipment Achilles Tang Flame Angel Flame Hawk Royal Gramma Yellow Tang Yellow Head Jawfish Mystery Wrasse Blue Neon Goby Catalina Goby
  6. Caribbean Shipment Achilles Tang (ML) White Tail Kole Tang (M) Kole Tang (M) Flame Wrasse (Pair) Royal Gramma (L) Potter Angel (M) French Angel (M/ML) Queen Angel (ML/L/XL) Flame Hawk (ML) Shipment will only land after lunch time on 9 Jun 17. Price will only be out after landed. No reservation please
  7. Caribbean Shipment Yellow Tang Flame Angel Muti-color Angel Royal Gramma Potter Angel Helfrich's Fishfish Flame Hawk Watanabei Angel Bellus Angel Sunburst Anthias Hybrid Wrasse Wart Skin Frogfish
  8. Australia Corals Acanthastrea Lordhowensis Strawberry Shortcake Fire & Ice Golden Touch Scolymia
  9. Tank Breed Fishes Snowflake Domino Damsel (Hawaii) Fisher's Pygmy Angel Lemonpeel Angel Flame Angel (Pair) - only 1 pair Potter Angel Neon Goby Orchid Dottyback Neon Dottyback Molly Miller Blenny Smith's Fang Blenny Gold Nugget Clown Platinum Clown Longfin Clown Midnight Chocolate Clown Black Ice Clown (Pair) Gold Nugget Clown (Pair) Platinum Clown (Pair) Longfin Clown (Pair)
  10. Hi We have lots of Peppermint shrimp for sale. 201 Neo Tiew Crescent Singapore 718895 Tks
  11. Caribbean Shipment Flame Angel (Marshall Island) Royal Gramma Achilles Tang Yellow Tang Labouti Wrasse Lineatus Wrasse Lettuce Nudibranch Lighting Maroon Clown Flame Hawk Black Tang Helfrich's Goby Kole Tang
  12. Caribbean Shipment Banded Angel (M) Flame Angel (Marshall Island) Royal Gramma Achilles Tang (L & XXL) Atlantic Blue Tang (S / XXL)
  13. Hawaii Shipment Goldflake (Juv / L) Bandit (3 inch) Declives Butterfly (2 inch) Achilles Tang (3-4 inch) Kole Tang (Small) Yellow Tang (S & M) Flame wrasse (Female & Male)
  14. Corals Landed LPS & SPS - Photo from supplier. Presently Acro colour change due to stress Fish - Sohal Tang (Small)
  15. Caribbean Shipment French Angel - 4" Garibaldi Damsel - SM / XL Rock Beauty Black Cap Yellow Head Jaw Fish Argi Angel Blue Neon Goby Yellow Gorgonian Red Gorgonian
  16. Australia Shipment Coral Sea Salifin Anthias Scribbled Angel Personifer Angel Scott Fairy Wrasse Choati Wrasse Blue Tang
  17. Caribbean Shipment Flame Angel (Marshall Island) French Angel Passer Angel Black Cap Basslet Royal Gramma Helfrich's Firefish Flame Hawk Orchid Dottyback Achilles Tang Kole Tang Yellow Tang Rhombold Wrasse
  18. Caribbean Shipment Townsend Angel French Angel Queen Angel Rock Beauty Angel Flame Back Angel Black Cap Basslet Royal Gramma Blue spot Jawfish Yellow head Jawfish Atlantic Blue Tang Garibaldi Damsel Florida Ricordea Rock Flower Anemone
  19. Fish Shipment - 18 Mar 16 Ventralis Anthias Sunburst Anthias Helfrich's Firefish Shepardi Angel
  20. Caribbean Shipment Flame Angel (Marshall Island) Queen Angel (ML / L / XL / XXL) Rock Beauty (SM / ML) Black Cap Basslet Swiss Guard Basslet Helfrich's Firefish Flame Hawk Cuban Hog Achilles Tang Yellow Tang
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