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Andre'A' Lim

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Everything posted by Andre'A' Lim

  1. Still avialable for collection?
  2. And also can i still add bacteria 7 during the process? FYI: Once copper treatment done, i will then set up a 2ft tank with just normal hang on back filter as my qurrantine tank for any new fishes in future before entering dt.
  3. Tank specs -5X2X2 FOWLR -Bio pellet fr45 -Rowa phos -Skimmer- Skimz sm251 -Chiller hc 500hp -Refugium- Cheato & Red Bamboo -No snails or shrimps Copper kit -Salifert copper test kit -Seacheam copper My question is 1.Must i off any equipment while dosing copper? 2.Will cheato and red bamboo algae die during the process? 2.Copper level at 0.3ppm or more? 4.Can copper be in system for more then a months since im adding fish here and then? Thanks in advance, your reply will defnitely help me in many ways:D
  4. I love anthais but hesitate as they need multiple feeding a day. Anybody only feed their anthais twice a day?
  5. If they can get in they can get out. My blue tang starting also keep hiding. After few days then come out to feed. Hope your tang survive
  6. I'm running fr and it happened to me as well. Wonder if change stronger flow pump help?
  7. Just saw at ah Beng too. But flame angel all packed in bags already.
  8. Looking for tangs and angels mainly. Pm me if have any to let go. Cheers
  9. What is your wp40 condition? My wp25 is a week old and it's too weak for my tank. Haha
  10. Pump for bio pellet reactor 1.3-1.4litres/hr Pump for rowaphos (fr) 200-400litres/hr Rowaphos Wave maker wp40 Bacteria starter fluid, example mb7 Contact me at 90624626
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