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  • Country
    United States
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    San Diego

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  1. Sharing some interesting threads on reddit http://www.reddit.com/comments/1z912n/hate_algae_get_a_free_sample_of_nualgi_aquarium/ http://www.reddit.com/comments/1z912n/hate_algae_get_a_free_sample_of_nualgi_aquarium/cgy5j75
  2. Look up "Oswald Reef" on youtube. He has been covering his trial in detail from before Nualgi, 1st dose, 2nd dose etc.
  3. Wanted to share this thread..http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/reef-aquarium-discussion/153204-anyone-use-nualgi-7.html#post1829073 Also this you tube video from today...all the way from Manitoba, Canada http://youtu.be/XU5Y3DGaQTY
  4. Wanted to make everyone aware of a recent change in our FAQ Can I use other nutrients or nutrient balancing products with Nualgi Aquarium? Correct dosage of Nualgi is generally sufficient to re-establish the natural food chain in the water thereby precluding the need to use other nutrients or nutrient balancing products. However it is not advisable to make abrupt changes to current practices that are working. As Nualgi starts to deliver results, you may carefully experiment in reducing the dosage of other nutrients. As Nualgi produces food for corals, it leads to coral growth and polyp extension. Corals also stay open longer when using Nualgi. This increases the demand for Calcium in tanks with a large number of hard and soft corals. This can throw off the pH and dKH levels as they are inter-connected with Calcium. We recommend that for such tanks, Calcium levels should be carefully monitored and boosted when necessary.
  5. We are looking to estimate of the number of saltwater and freshwater tanks (30 liters and more). If you have a feel for the numbers, please post here. Thanks.
  6. please check out our facebook page for latest user comments
  7. Corals consume the zooplankton but you may have to dose less than recommended dose.
  8. Please see our FAQ page to understand how Nualgi is impacting algae control in over 2000 trials in US
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