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Everything posted by pospeh

  1. Price reduced to $200 for sale.
  2. Tank still available. Everything else is sold. $500 for tank and sump and related Eheim pumps. Plus about 80 Kg of live rock for free.
  3. Hi I have a Teco RA 240 Chiller for sale. It was just serviced 6 months ago. Price is $300. PM me if you are interested.
  4. Bump. The following are still available. 1. Tank 2. TECO RA240 Chiller 3. Schuran Jetskim 120 Protein Skimmer
  5. Here is the tank pic. I've given away all my livestock, so only the tank is left.
  6. I have a 3x3x2 tank from Aquatechnic for sale. I am moving away from Singapore. The set-up includes an auto-top system & black stand (with aluminum support frame). The set-up also includes the following major items: (1) TECO RA240 Chiller. 4 year old, serviced by Aquatechnic. (2) Schuran JetSkim 120. Suitable for up to 600Liters. (3) 250Watt DE Aquasunlight. (4) Tunze Stream 6100 with 7091 single-controller. I would prefer to sell the whole set-up, but if there are no takers, I would consider selling it piece-meal. A new set-up would be in excess of $10,000. I am letting it go for $2,500. Please PM if you are interested.
  7. Well, I guess I should report in as well. I mostly hang around in the Kopitiam section now..
  8. I dont know who the "winner" is going to be, but certainly the losers are going to be the citizens of Singapore. The casinos are going to make it easier for more Singaporeans to gamble and all the problems that gambling brings to society.
  9. It is slower than the mini. Bad product.
  10. The current reserves of NKF are sufficient to last at least 6 years in the worst case scenario, and up to 12 years, in the best case scenario--even if they don't raise a single dollar. So they don't need any money now. In view of this, I would not contribute to the New NKF now or in the near future. They have yet to prove themselves worthy of my donation, and it is not clear at all whether they will fully and effectively institute all of the changes that are necessary to reform it. No kidney patient will suffer for lack of donation. We can afford to take a wait-and-see attitude and see if the new NKF changes for the better. I would guess that their reserves of at least 6 years is probably among the richest out of all the charities out there. There are much more worthy charities out there that deserve your money, who are worse financial situation. And if the new NKF management can prove that they have instituted the needed changes, and if their reserves are running low, then I would reconsider.
  11. And where is the first class governance structure that Singapore supposedly has. The MOH, NCSS and Commissioner of Charities completely dropped the ball on this debacle. Having Mrs. Goh as patron insulated NKF from the scrutiny that it would have gotten.
  12. If you are using actinic supplemtation, there is no need to use a 14K light. 10K would be better for you. Personally, for most bulbs, there is not that much difference in a 10K or 14K light in terms of blueness, unless you go up to 20K.
  13. Your Schuran skimmer is not enough to do the job. I think it is rated only for 120g by the manufacturer, and probably is alot less in actuality. There are probably more phosphates and nitrates in the water than is detected by your test kits.
  14. Yamaha is a good choice. It is like the Toyota of cars. Dependable and reasonably priced. The lowest grade LU series are made in Indonesia. Not so good, and it is a bit too small to give the deep resonant tones. I would personally stay away from the China-made stuff. They all have German sounding brand names to try to throw you off. Get a model that is at least 44 inches tall, and preferably 48 inches. Sometimes you can get a 2nd hand professional U series for a good price. They are definitely the piano to get if you have the budget.
  15. When one of the heroes dies, he always dies standing up or on his feet and with eyes wide open.
  16. There is a severe de-valuation of the so-called platinum cards. They offer no additional service, and merely appeal to the vanity of the holder. . . but then since so many other people have them, that too is meaningless. They still put you on hold for what seems like hours when you phone them with problems. Some platinum cards offer great service, and charge a hefty annual fees for it. Like AMEX, they have great hotel deals and their personal assistants can get you last minute plane tickets that might not be obtainable.
  17. For those who does not know this, Weileong and his ccd-taking skills were featured in Sky & Telescope (the definitive magazine for amateur astronomy worldwide) a couple of years back. So he is actually quite a pioneer in the Singapore astronomy scene. Looks like he is trying to do the same with reef-keeping too.
  18. Good luck with the interview today.
  19. Even if what the government said in support of the casino is true, the timing is all wrong. By 2009, when the casinos are up, things will have changed dramatically. HK Disneyland will have 4 years of head start. That is four longggg years. If they really had foresight, then they should have floated this proposal back in 2000 when they saw the downturn coming, and when other countries are upgrading their tourism infrastructure. It is a case of too little too late.
  20. Dont forget that this may be just some childish Oedipal act by LHL to show that he is the boss now, just to spite LKY.
  21. ●夠淫蕩吧? 小謝去到新加坡為商務旅行。 聯絡業務完畢,乘電梯下樓。 在某一層電梯停住了,門打開,看見一個衣著性感的女郎。 她一手挽著名牌手袋,一手扶著電梯門,身體斜靠著,用挑逗的語氣問:「夠淫蕩吧?」 小謝控制住洶湧的思潮冷靜分析,新加坡就是不同,新加坡的女職員就是開放。 小謝心想:「怪不得有人說,我們比他們落後起碼三十年,這句話是有道理的。」 小謝平靜地說:「淫蕩是淫蕩了點,但我喜歡。」 小謝知道他說這句話的樣子也一定很酷,作一個有骨氣的受傳統文化熏陶中華兒女, 要在新時代新潮流面前努力轉變思想,不能甘於落後。 突然間那女郎用手袋猛地向小謝砸來,一邊還說:「你這流氓!..... 」 直到晚上小謝才醒悟,原來她說的是:「Going Down 吧?」 這件小事促使小謝下定決心、排除萬難、在本世紀頭20年力爭適應中英文混用的新潮.....
  22. Here are some more jokes in the same question and answer format. ●差別 (一) 問:「女朋友和老婆有何差別?」 答:「差15公斤。」 ●差別 (二) 問:「男朋友和老公有何差別?」 答:「差45分鐘。」 ●差別 (三) 問:「男人對女人講話不正經叫做什麼?」 答:「叫做性騷擾。」 ●差別 (四) 問:「女人對男人說話不正經叫什麼?」 答:「叫做每分鐘二元付費熱線。」 ●差別 (五) 問:「怎樣知道你老婆已去世?」 答:「性生活沒改變,但碗盤很久沒人洗了。」 ●差別 (六) 問:「怎樣知道妳老公已去世?」 答:「性生活沒改變,但遙控器終於落到妳手上了。」 ●差別 (七) 問:「女人腰部以下癱瘓叫做什麼?」 答:「已婚婦女。」 ●差別 (八) 問:「換個電燈泡需要多少男人?」 答:「一個也不需要,他們只會坐在黑暗裡抱怨。」 ●差別 (九) 問:「直達男人心裡最快的方式為何?」 答:「利刃穿心。」 ●差別 (十) 問:「男人和停車位有何相似之處?」 答:「所有好位子都被佔了,剩下的都是殘障專用。」 ●差別 (十一) 問:「男人和公共廁所有和相似之處?」 答:「所有好位子都被佔了,剩下的都是一堆堆的屎。」 ●差別 (十二) 問:「男人和地磚有何相似之處?」 答:「如果第一次鋪的時候,鋪得很好的話,可以在上面踩一輩子沒問題。」 ●差別 (十三) 問:「男人和老鼠魚(清道夫魚)有何異同?」 答:「同樣是吃垃圾的,只是其中之一是魚。」 ●差別 (十四) 問:「為何男人喜歡娶處女?」 答:「因為男人受不了批評。」 ●差別 (十五) 問:「為何女人很難找到敏感、體貼、又好看的男人?」 答:「因為那樣的男人都有男朋友了。」 ●差別 (十六) 問:「對男人來說?『安全的性』是什麼?」 答:「床頭板有軟墊。」 ●差別 (十七) 問:「女人為何要假裝高潮?」 答:「因為男人總是假裝『前戲』。」 ●差別 (十八) 問:「什麼讓男人去追求自己並不想娶回家的女人?」 答:「是什麼讓狗去追自己不想開的汽車,同樣道理。」 ●差別 (19) 問:「無神論者的最大問題是什麼?」 答:「性高潮時,無人可呼喊。」 ●差別 (20) 問:「天體營理怎樣的男人最受歡迎?」 答:「可以兩手各拿一杯咖啡,又可同時拿一打甜甜圈的男人。」 ●差別 (21) 問:「天體營裡怎樣的女人最受歡迎?」 答:「可以吃到最後一個甜甜圈的女人。」 ●差別 (22) 問:「男人為何喜歡沖澡勝過泡澡?」 答:「因為泡澡時尿尿太噁心。」 ●差別 (23) 問:「恐怖份子和女人有何不同?」 答:「恐怖份子可以談條件,女人不行。」
  23. I think things started going down hill when the site started the sponsorships...
  24. Hi William I just caught sight of your thread recently, and I just wanted to offer my good wishes for your new tank. I am still temporarily without a tank since my last house move. But I hope to restart my tank soon.
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