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Everything posted by Saturnz17

  1. Thanks alot! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Thanks bro! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Hi everyone...Posted my very first post of my seahorses in this forum. Perhaps some of u are aware or have seen these pic before, I actually have an FB page call “Edquarium” where I have shared all my reef pics on various reef groups including Singapore Reef Club FB group..Please take a look,share and support! Hope to also share and tcss over here! Cheers! Basically I have created 2 sections in my reef tank.. Where one of it are my seahorses which comprise of both Barbouris and Kudas..decorated with real and artificial plants
  4. Hi Admin Apologies for my duplicate post by accident, please delete this. Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone...Posted my very first post of my seahorses in this forum. Perhaps some of u are aware or have seen these pic before, I actually have an FB page call “Edquarium” where I have shared all my reef pics on various reef pages including Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Hi everyone...Posted my very first post of my seahorses in this forum. Perhaps some of u are aware or have seen these pic before, I actually have an FB page call “Edquarium” where I have shared all my reef pics on various reef groups including Singapore Reef Club FB group..Please take a look,share and support! Hope to also share and tcss over here! Cheers! Basically I have created 2 sections in my reef tank.. Where one of it are my seahorse s which comprise of both Barbouris and Kudas..decorated with real and artificial plants Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. My fairy & flasher wrasses... Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse Naoko Fairy Wrasse Solon Fairy Wrasse Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
  8. Hi everybody It's been a long long time since I last updated my tank... These are my tanks updated as at 12 Oct! Please enjoy!
  9. Hi everyone Updated tank as at 4 August Sitting at an angle where I can have a view of all my tanks..
  10. Hi everyone! It's been a long long time since I last updated my thread. Just recently (4 days ago), I have upgraded my 3Ft to a 240-Litre 4Ft tank. I have also upgraded my 2Ft to the 3Ft on the same day. Spent 12 hours doing this major upgrading! Phew! And also, I have a 1.5Ft macroalgae tank. Just to share with you some of the pix of my little marine corner. My 1.5Ft Macroalgae Tank 3Ft Tank New 4Ft Tank Overview of my Little Marine Corner
  11. Did a minor re-scaping so as not to stress my fishes too much...vacuumed my sandbed and also did a 40% WC...
  12. Haha! Finally managed to catch this notty little chap! Have to get another tank dedicated just for him!
  13. Yes bro! That's the thing! He is the main culprit! Luckily he was the last to be added to my tank and that time he was still quite small. That's why he never bully all my other fishes despite having damsels, cardinals. Only shrimps and snails he wun let them off! I guess I really need to remove him before he grows bigger and gets more aggressive and starts to eat my corals! Argh!! :|
  14. Oh ya bro, I forgot! I also have one Marble Wrasse...pretty aggressive too... I previously had 4 shrimps and 3 nassarius snails...all gone! I suspect they had been eaten by Humu Picasso and Marble Wrasse!
  15. Morning everyone Need your professional advice. After thinking through, I am still hesitant whether should I proceed with the re-scaping..reasons being:- 1) My clown has started laying eggs, meaning to say the tank is pretty much stable 2) Fishes and corals are doing well I worry if I re-scape, the fishes will be stressed and corals may not open/thrive.. However, on the other hand, I need to:- 1) Remove my Humu Picasso Trigger 2) Vacuum sandbed area which are blocked by the LR 3) Brush/clean my LR Please advise what should I do.. thank you
  16. My major project for my 3ft reef tank on 6 June - Intended works:- - Removal, brushing and re-scape of live rocks - Removal and re-arrangement of corals - Vaccuming of sandbed - 40%-50% WC - Cleaning of glass tank... - Washing of canister filter (sponges, media etc) - Replacing of Rowaphos with Amophos (place in canister) - Removal of Humu Picasso Trigger
  17. Hi everyone Can I know where to get artificial rock scape? How much will that be? I am intending to re-scape my 3ft reef...at the same time remove my Humu Picasso Have to get him out before it matures and more aggressive
  18. Finally released my Sailfin Tang & Blue/Golden Damsel to my simple FO coral skeleton tank after QT them for a week..
  19. New addition - Metallic green anchor-tip hammer.. My colony of Hammers:-
  20. Keke..I also think so...like abit too many hor
  21. Sulpherx bro...dats a normal LED light from Dazs..coz dun intend to put corals..so normal one is sufficient..the black thing is wavemaker
  22. Newly purchased:- Toadstool Leather Mushroom Gold-tip Hammer
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