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Everything posted by Seano

  1. Bump. Still can't work this out. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I recently switched over from the AL30 to the AL60. It didn't come with instructions, but it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Previously I could set my AL30 have a set temp of 27 but not start chilling until it reached 28. With my new AL60 I have it set to 26 but it doesn't start chilling until 29, which is too much a temperature difference. Does anyone know how to set this to 1 degree difference? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. To be honest my Magnesium was never terrible when you look at acceptable range, though it did drop below acceptable range from time to time. My calcium is quite high so i'd rather have the Mg on the higher end of the scale. The aquaforest was not able to do that. Aquaforest is $15 a bottle vs Kent's Mg at $25 a bottle. However there is more than double the volume in the Kent bottle. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. So I found the problem. Once I started dosing with Kent Marine Magnesium my Mg started to climb. I've nearly finished the bottle of aquaforest and it barley made any impact at all. It's likely as well that the Magnesium isn't very high in the salt I'm using as well. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. I have the SW-2 in the IM10 and it doesn't blow the sand around. The key I found was to aim it up at the water surface slightly. Obviously not so it's jetting water out of the tank but enough to take the power out of the flow. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Awesome thanks for the information. Very useful. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hmm interesting, thanks I'll keep that in mind Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. I dosed Vibrant ? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Ok so maybe not beginner corals. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Thanks for your replies. I'm using the Aqua Forest Mg Plus solution and I use the Red Sea coral pro salt. The corals I have now are: torch coral, BBEB Zoa's, micromussa, goniopora. All corals happy, healthy and full extended. The Goniopora even had a little 'baby'. I guess I'm just bothered that i can't get it above 1300. Thanks for your help. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Hi Fellow Reefers Over the past month I have been monitoring my magnesium as have moved from a FOWLR set up to some beginner corals. I cannot get it to get above and stay at 1300, it is always between 1200-1300. I have been dosing repeatedly, there has been several water changes in this time frame but still it won't budge. Additionally my Calcium is very high, >500 and has not dropped lower than that. dKH seems ok at 8-10. My tank is a IM 10g. What is the problem? What issues could this cause my lps? Is there a way of fixing because 25% water changes weekly have not done anything. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Most days my Goniopora looks like this: Then one day, without notice, it looked like this: I tried talking to it. Nothing. I tried leaving it alone. Nothing. I brought it chocolates. Nothing. It spent the whole day in that condition! Next day it looks like this: Happy as a, errrr, clam! And has remain that way since. Does anyone have a more logical or scientific explanation for its behaviour? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Sometimes it's also due to too much current. If he's moving he's not comfortable. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Cucumbery things Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. I don't think it's ever going to be as safe as the factory cable. Personally I don't mess with 240V and water. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Nice tank! We have a very similar set up except I went for the AL30 chiller which seems to hold up ok. Looking forward to more updates! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. Wow nice work Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. Thanks for the advice and thanks to Nelson Monolove for selling me a 10L container. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. Hello All, I would like to buy 2 x 10L water tanks/containers to hold RO water and salt water. Where is the best place to buy such things in Singapore? Cheers! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. I recommend buying the biggest tank and the best equipment you can afford because in about 3-3.5 months time you are going to want to upgrade. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. The most important thing for the bacteria while Cycling keeping the tank oxygenated via water movement. You don't want to create conditions which favour the wrong bacteria. Bacteria isn't very fussy about temperature and will grow happily at ambient temperatures. Just make sure you introduce the right bacteria with live rock. Personally I've never used any starter cultures to kick start. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. So I'm going away for CNY and my west facing flat gets up to 30-31 degrees during the day. My nano sized 10G aquarium challenged by its own thermal mass worries me that I'll come to a bunch of dead coral (again, heh) So I invested in a shiny new AL30 to protect my tank while I'm gone. I wanted this quick review to highlight its ability to cool the tank and maintain temperature. Below are 2 images I took from starting temp to desired temp. So after 2 hours and 20 mins I was able to get it down 2.3 degrees. It is set to cool again once it hits 28. Though it probably takes around 1.5 hours to climb back up to 28. The chiller has its own temperature probe which sits in the tank. The chiller only comes on while it's cooling in case anyone was wondering. All in all I'm fairly happy with it, I don't feel it's going to negatively impact my electricity bill too much but I'll be monitoring. Once I'm back from over seas I'll look to pretty up the hoses as they are kind of just jammed in the tank right now. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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