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Everything posted by aquagem

  1. Get a voltage detector to pin point the source Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I've just administered Sterazin . If that doesn't help, Perhaps I'll just keep dipping her for 7 consecutive days [emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Didn't work... I performed a 15 min fw dip and thereafter prazi few days later, but she's still showing symptoms [emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. prazipro her twice but can't seem to get all the gill flukes off.. I'm considering Waterlife Sterazin which is a 10 days course. Hopefully this will help[emoji4] Anyone tried Sterazin ? Can't seem to find much review online for this product .. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Initial start up, need some form of ammonia for it to be sustainable in Long-run.. thereafter continue dosing bacteria Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. [emoji5] neat and nice [emoji106] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Api no2/no3 /ammonia Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Fish maybe. Fishes perhaps not [emoji23] for the well-being of your livestocks, I suggest Cycling your tank a little longer. When the tank is able to process 0.25-0.5 ammonia within 24 hours, I'll then consider adding in livestocks at a gradual pace [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Day 3 my ammonia level was Way up the roof. Seem to be like 20ppm. Should bring it higher, just my 2 cents. Healthier for the livestocks and Better in the Long run [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. My personal experience Started 2 observation/quarantine tanks last November. Both in similar sizes (650 litres) and using the same equipments and rather similar amount of dried rocks. They were then seeded with market fishes. Setup were similar, however one with the "expensive" ceramic balls the other with cheap coral chips. Rest were pretty much identical. 1) tank with coral chips cycled slightly faster than the other with ceramic balls. Ammonia were forced to roof levels given market fishes were introduced and left to decomposed for the entire period. 2) left the tank fallow for 2 months and added similar and number of fishes in each tank progressively. When bio load was initially increased by adding new fishes, tank with coral chips gave a constant reading of 0 ammonia, 0 no2 and 20 no3. However the tank with ceramic balls showed a slight increase in no2. This issue wasn't a concern as no2 will eventually decreased to 0 in less than 48 hours. Similarly, Ammonia was 0 and no3 20. We all know that coral chips in the Long run will show an increase in no3. But as Long as one practices good husbandry ( eg weekly/bi weekly water changes) I'm sure we can always overcome the no3?? To me, the cheap coral chips seem to perform the same or even better nitrification job than the expensive branded ceramic bio balls [emoji4] these are just a simple observation/quarantine tanks, nothing complicated. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. I will probably disagree with that. Just quarantine every single specimen. There are probably 2 school of thoughts. 1) let the fishes fight it out and they will be immune to it! 2) treat it completely in QT regardless of any symptoms and you will not deal with it eventually! What you are implying is point 1. Marine ich will always be in the system once being introduced. Fishes showing no symptoms of MI will not indicate that your system/fishes are free of MI. They are probably just resistant to MI. However, once stress (by adding new livestock or re scraping) is induced into the system, the fishes will probably lose its resistant to MI, hence an outbreak. All it take is just a small speck! By Performing A quarantine procedure, it will ensure that MI lifecycle will be totally breeched [emoji4] "it's just the nature of science and their lifecycle that you're battling". I have zebrasome tangs who used to be living in a tank full of MI which never showed any symptoms of MI while other fishes did continuously. I restarted the entire system, did a proper quarantine procedure and they are all good now. No matter how much my angels and the tangs hates one another and the amount of stress they created between themselves, they are currently still free of MI [emoji4] I've still yet to medicate my DT, however if there's a need I'll recapture all and dump all back to QTs. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. I've experienced these situation in great depth before. When I first started, through "professional advised" and I quote " marine ich will be dominant at some point and your fishes will get immune to it." This is so untrue and rubbish!!!! I wasted a good 1 year staring at my DT with ich (on and off whenever a new fish was added). I've the risk of New fishes not able to battle the immunity against ich. Unfortunately your only option is to leave the DT fallow for at least 8 weeks (given you have corals). Finally, Stripped down my entire tank last year due to marine Ich outbreak and diseases. One must dedicate time and passion. What I've experienced will be there is no short cut in this hobby. The importance of having a quarantine tank is Essential. If you are not able to quarantine the new fishes, at the very least perform a fw dip prior to introducing them into the DT. Having multiple layers of quarantine and observations will effectively give your livestock a greater chance of survival. The grave mistake I've made was to rush into the hobby and lost a substantial amount of live stocks at great cost without doing greater research. I'll just treat all fishes going into DT be it disease free or not. Good luck ! [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. QT was initially treated with prazipro and copper (at therapeutic level, given its sensitivity to copper). It was still feeding actively on metroplex/focus on day 4. Myxazin was administered as well, but unfortunately it still passed on. [emoji51] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. No other symptoms in QT for 5 weeks till vibriosis bacterial caught up with this poor fellow... All happened within 4 days when the first symptom showed up. The bacterial ate him inside out !!! [emoji22] Given the nature of this disease, my Guess is once contacted, there will be very slim chance of recovery! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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