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  1. hydra52hd selling $550 it is lightly used no stand slightly negotiable pm.
  2. Do Pm me. Thanks! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. i bought my pods from pinnacles, those in the bag and a friend told me it was from a farm in lim chu kang. it is only $5 a pack and my tank can see full of pods everywhere.
  4. I totally understand why you will pay for that. It is some i would like to. i'll explore it alittle.
  5. want to sell 1 marine pure 8x8x4, wash cleaned. $45
  6. I want to buy AI prime hd any color.
  7. I try to put the non-slip matt from daiso below the pump, very quiet no sound.
  8. your tank very big can put many
  9. I put 2 Big 1 and some balls and siphorax. working very good
  10. I use a trap to catch before. Worked Many time
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