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Everything posted by Jeebusai

  1. This is how it looks for new reefer 250. This pic was taken when I first started. I don’t use it though. I do MTO.
  2. Bought this dual nozzle. Quite expensive for a piece of Plastic printed by a 3D printer.... Slowly changing to AF. The dosage needed is really small as the additives are highly concentrated. Couples with current promo the prices are really affordable (no brainer). Don’t know if it’s ProBioS helping to bring the NO3 down or is it my chaeto (growing fast and given a few batches away already). Sps corals are slowly coloring up finally. The Aussie candlelight which I got 2 months ago is finally half a “candlelight” and not a brown stick (although still half brown. No ID cheap sps encrusted and growing after 2 months.
  3. Amazing colors bro! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Tank looks good bro. Love the huge sump! Seems like lots of good stuff beside the tank! Lol
  5. I’m quite keen to learn too. Lol. 10ml for my small tank think will crash immediately.
  6. Sunkist bounce? Nice! Cost an arm and leg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Buyer fly aeroplane. If there’s no reply. Most likely is a “lowballer” or previously was a “pilot”. Serious buyers only please! Thanks! Last 3 pieces left 1. About 2 inches when opened. About 9/10 heads - $80 2. More than 1 1/2 inches when opened. About 6 heads - $60 3. More than 1 inch when opened. About 5 heads - $50
  8. About 2/3 left. Stored in fridge. Note. Expiry is 11/18. Priced to clear. Free wool. $10
  9. It’s very interesting indeed. Can be fed to fishes too? Looks like liquid. Can’t tell the texture. Is it available commercially for hobbyist?
  10. That’s what I thought too bro. Definitely the quality of the plastics used is no where near the MP. But do give the OW series a try lol. It’s definitely worth the price. And I learnt the hard way. Don’t dare to adjust anything on my phone with Reeflink on ecotech app. It will just go haywire and I have to reinstall. The pitfalls of being too high tech when I can just adjust using a few buttons. Lol
  11. Bro. If im not wrong, you cant drill through the bombshelter lol.
  12. Currently using 2 frag racks. IM Reef Rack 32 (Cos previously N52 no stock) N52 Mag Rack Pro Was concerned about the length of 12 inches for the N52. I was Glad it fit perfectly and it’s looks kinda flushed. Without any corals, u can’t really see the rack. Just a note, cos it’s a slim type, you can put much corals unless ur using very small frag plugs. But the magnet isn’t really strong. Easy to manoeuvre up and down during WC.
  13. Some updates. Took out my Maxspect Gyre 230 and replaced with a Vortech MP10 and a Jebao OW-25 as I can’t seem to direct the flow where I want it to be with the gyre. Please do not be mistaken, the Gyre is a very good all rounder WM. But most tanks 3 feet and below (unless is a full or sps dominated tank), it may be challenging to direct the flow to ur liking for a mixed reef tank. The real surprise was the Jebao OW-25. My Gosh, I’m stunned at how easy it is to use and how strong the waves are. The wave patterns are wider (not as pinpoint) than the MP-10. In terms of style, the MP-10 wins hands down! U get to programme the wave patterns over a 24 hours period. To be frank, I was a tad disappointed by the output. At 80% , it’s not even as strong as Jebao at 40% power. Someone told me before I bought the Voretch, u sure? Can buy 5 Jebao u know! Can your MP10 last longer than 5 Jebao? And boy.....he may be right........ Some pics for updates :
  14. All acans reserved. Thanks for the interest. Baby scoly still available. $65
  15. Nice setup bro! The sump is huge!
  16. Thanks for the detailed info. Am also thinking of changing to AF stuff. Seems like good result from reefers using AF. Not to forget the price is quite competitive. Lol
  17. Have some more acan frags for sale. About 3-5 pieces with similar color..... Clearing space for new corals. Serious buyer can leave contact and pm me for pics.
  18. Seriously considering using nopox or probio s. Lol. More pics from u soon.
  19. Nice rock scape bro. Why I see so many tanks NO3 0. I’m still having 10. And my algae in the sump is....
  20. Bro can share what u dose? Lol Edit : to bring the NO3 and PO4 down.
  21. Try Hikari Sea weed extreme. Seems to be very popular for tangs.
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