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    Fishes, corals, inverterbrates

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  1. Quick update, those stuff are gone now. They just disappear on their own. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  2. Sold! Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  3. Nice thread and nice scape. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  4. Review of the skimmer here: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/content/post/red-sea-reefer-protein-skimmers-brstv-saltwater-tank-gear-reviews This is suitable for bigger tank. Small sump may not fit. Please check before deciding. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  5. I am using cheap clip on light for freshwater planted tank. My cheato is growing. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  6. The journey to keeping anemone is also eventful. First day, the anemone stay on top of the rock where I placed it. Then second day decided to hide in a tunnel. I was worried it would just shrink up and disappear. However third day it came out when light is on and went back into the tunnel when light is off. This went on for about 2 weeks. It was getting bigger at the meantime even though I only fed it once. Then one day it decided not to come out. I got worried again. But who knows, by night time, before the light went off, 2 baby anemones came out. Here are some pictures. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  7. Short update on my reefing journey. Tank is cycled and is currently entering ugly phase now with brownish spots on the glass and sandbed as well as filter sock. Not a big deal, let nature take its course. First livestocks I put in is an anemone from Rob and a few free zoas from him too. The zoas unfortunately did not do well under my care. They shrink up due to too much light. Moved them under some shade and they are opening up again. Now in the process of getting them to brighter place to get their colour back. First picture is when I got it. Second one is after a few days in my tank. Third one is now, about 2 weeks later. Still a long learning process for me. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  8. Nice! Looks like mine. My one split recently so I have 2 small ones now. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  9. My scoly feeding response. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  10. Looks like the hydroid jellyfish in the picture but I saw videos that these jellyfishes move when they get disturbed. The ones in my sump does not move when I try scrapping them with turkey baster. And when they come off the glass they just fall off and gets carried in the current. I will continue to monitor to see if they do grow to be jellyfish looking or not. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  11. Can someone help ID these tiny white spots in my sump? Are they sponges? Or are they something harmful that I should worry about? Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  12. I use a small pump to pump water at one side of it. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  13. Impressive tank. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  14. Up. Retail price is $499. Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
  15. Like you I am also considering hawkfish. However I am worried that hawkfish might eat shrimps. Do you know if they are shrimp safe? I know they will probably eat smaller ornamental shrimp like sexy shrimp. But can they get along with something bigger like cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp? Sent from my SM-A307GN using Tapatalk
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