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Posts posted by Dorado
Wah!!! Bro, your close-up photo really tok-kong!!
Nice pix!!
currently not using any chiller or MH. only T5's and my temp hover @ 30 deg....its fine with my fishes....
will have my chiller running shortly and will add some softies just to beautify the tank....
thinking of adding yumas, discosoma, leathers, fingers etc....
Bulbs?? i have ex stocks and full range from 150-400watts
You are daring enough to have the expensive Blue Angle in your new tank.
Saw once and love at first sight but dare not try.........
Some LPS( especially those branching type) and mushies will be nice.
BTW I need 2nos of 14k 250w but do you have slightly bluish than the
last BLV I bought from you.
Nice set Bro
Are you going to have coral? Not SPS i supposed
since you are not using MH.
Any bulb shipment? need to replace mine.
Bro, ph varies between day and night.
My ph varies at 8.5 highest during photoperiod and 7.99 lowest
after light off.
aquac where got cheap?
I have............who want to buy?
Buy expansive, selling cheap also nobody want!!!
Nice pix Paul.
It is a persian, It had a skin problem and now the fur just start growing long.
I will try to post the pix of the big brother tomorrow.
You can try pocillopora, digitata and birdnest or even A.nana.
But the easiest is the brown SPS, no matter how it will not die.
If you want some, you can come to my place.........
Congrats Bro!!!!!
Bro, that way to big.......
I will do more research first on the species first before
embarking into this hobby......
green iguana can grow till vry big, will have problem housing them in the future, do consider and btw, they are purely herbivours.
do pm me
How big will it grow?
My just when to JB Giant and she told me that they sell the
green Iguana there!!
Still thinking whether it worth to .................
I don't get it? Why do they put up a list of endangered species in that PDF? There are billions of animals species. How are they going to cover all? Do they mean that if I were to import an animal thats not in the list, its ok?
.. obviously not, so then why bother?
I can't believe they put Rhinocerous..
.. hey, lets do a bulk order to bring in Rhinocerous. I'd love a Rhino in my backyard.
.. duh..
ok.. I know I know.. they mean the horns..
I like your idea!! having rhino in the back yard!!
But really have to be careful with the do and don't which
they stipulate in the law. For me if it really endangered species,
I will not go for it.
" If the buying stop, the porching will stop too"
Thanks for the reply.
Run through the list....................it under endangered species
Luckily never buy when I was in KL otherwise kena fine.
Really do anyone keep it? ( can pm me)
Anyone know where to buy one?
Saw it in KL lately but worried that cannot pass through custom,
so never buy.
Any of the reefer here keeping one? Is it legal to have as a pet?
Bro, I have few big rocks in sump. I you interested, collection in Woodlands.
Currently reserved by Bro Shin.
If he back-out, will give to the next person inline.
Thanks for the interest.
Sorry the pix too big, by the way it the bubble in red and can see
that one of the tips turn green. The others no pix.
I have 2 brown colonies and some small frag to clear.
Only to those who are ready or want to start SPS. Bought
brown and dying at PR for 15 bucks but one of the colony
got potential.
Maybe swop for a token of Seachem amino acid or anything
just pm me.
PS; Only for one lucky reefer to take all.
Need to clear space and rescaping so must clear fast.
Me using Tropic Marine Pro, abit ex but reliable.
Start of corallife but ......................
Nice pix, well taken!!!!!!
More pix please!
Thanks Guys!
Got the number already.
Lost his hp number, can anyone pleaseeee pm me?
Colin's refurbished Partition Tank
in Members Tank & Specs
I will do an update soon.............no new pix yet.
BTW, if are around the area feel free to drop by but call
me first, just incase Im out.