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Everything posted by davechee

  1. 1/2 hp. 5 years old. $300 nego.
  2. About 3.5 inches. Been with me for 2 years. Eats everything. Bites owner too. $30. PM me if keen.
  3. Is anyone looking for big and small pieces of LR for a FOWLR? Can PM me. Tank was coppered (cupramine) for about a year but in the past month or so I've been running activated carbon to remove the copper. Planning to add corals again so decided to change rocks just to be safe.
  4. Aiyoh... sorry to hear about this
  5. davechee

    Swop LR

    Looking to swop up to 10 pieces of LR of various sizes. Been with me for about 5 years now. Looking to introduce new bacteria into my tank. Also getting a bit tired of looking at the same rocks.
  6. That white tail tang will grow very big. Mine is around 7 inches already.
  7. Aiyoh, no inconvenience lah... I also didn't say clearly the first time. If anyone wants to let go of an orange shoulder, horseshoe, chocolate, or lieutenant tang, please let me know. Looking to add these to my tank.
  8. Hi Guys, Just to clarify... what I had in mind was you passing your rock(s) to me and I'll put it in my tank for the filefish to clean up. Cheers
  9. So far haven't seen it nipping. It eats pellets so hopefully corals won't be part of its diet going forward. This is my 6th attempt with a filefish, by the way. None of the previous 5 were successful.
  10. It's a matted filefish. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+30+2562&pcatid=2562
  11. I've got a filefish that "works". If anyone wants to get an aiptasia-infested rock cleaned, feel free to contact me for laundry service.
  12. For some reason I cannot see the picture. Can someone who can see the picture tell me what the brand of the epoxy is?
  13. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2041951 If u leave fallow 9 weeks you increase your chance of complete eradication to 99.7%.
  14. Okay will enlist help. Wonder what the rationale of this rule is... appears dumb to me
  15. Good that u r going to quarantine all new fishes otherwise your discipline in leaving DT fallow could all be wasted. Btw, how long u leaving it fallow for? 8 weeks?
  16. Takes up too much space to keep as spare. Think the newer lights are a lot slimmer and lighter. My current one weighs a ton man. Anyway, if anyone wants some aiptasia filled rock to feed peppermint shrimp, let me know. I have an aiptasia infested tank!
  17. Yeah, but after spending so much on the light, to throw away a bit sayang... wonder what other uses it might have...
  18. My maxspect G2 170W koyak liao. Of the 3 light colours, only one white is left working. Used for about 2 years plus. Any idea whether worth repairing, and where to repair?
  19. davechee

    WTG Chaeto

    Got a big handful to spare. PM me if interested. Collection at Tanah Merah area.
  20. bro, why you going for low profile? i'm kind surprised you didn't got for a 8.1 by 2.3 by 1.4 or something. haha!!! camping for pics man... and welcome back east!
  21. Why do so many keep asking about price openly, even after TS politely hinted he doesn't want to say? Just focus on the quality and design of the build lah...
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