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Sand or no sand

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Is it more challenging to keep nutrients low if u hv sand?

And if u hv sand, do u "vacuum" it when u change water? Or wld that release nutrients into the water column?

Appreciate your thoughts.

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Stirring the sand bed actually releases beneficial bacteria that have been in the sand. That actually helps to deal with your nutrient levels. I blow my sand and rocks once a week especially now that I have a cyano problem. Some swear by a bare bottom tank, but sand does play a part as a media to host beneficial bacteria in my opinion. Besides the bottom of the tank glass will be unsightly with green and red algae growth due to exposure to light.

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Generally higher nutrients if sand is present since it traps stuff. But it looks more 'natural' than bare bottom. 

Personally, I always vacuum the sand bed (1-2mm grain size) during water change. I think the benefits of keeping it clean outweighs the issue of stirring dirt out.


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12 hours ago, SubzeroLT said:

Generally higher nutrients if sand is present since it traps stuff. But it looks more 'natural' than bare bottom. 

Agree. For me, my sand bed is only 1/2 in ch and more for deco purpose.  I vacum when it looks dirty and leave it alone for months if it stays clean.  Either way, does not seem to bother anything.  Those with deep send bed are another matter, have seen reefers with 5 inch bed n they leave it alone.  

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i have a shallow sand bed and i leave it alone. my tangs are always pecking the sand, looking for algae to eat. also have a leopard wrasse that sleeps in there, not quite sure where his sleeping spot is now. he used to stir the sand at the front everyday when going to bed. also have 4-5 nassarius snails in there moving around

but my tank is only 1yr old... sometimes when moving corals and accidentally stirring the sand, can see some detritus being stirred up. especially in the corners where there is less water flow.


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I prefer having a shallow sand bed due to aesthetic reasons.  Also, a sand bed provides more surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize.  However, a bare bottom tank has its advantages too with the option of having increased flow without creating a sandstorm and providing reef keepers an easier job in cleaning the bottom of the tank.

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