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Where to buy plumbing parts


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  • SRC Member

hi guys,

wish to modify my pipings:

a) what this bro has done:


that is to reduce the 90 degrees elbow from my tank

B) add a manifold to use my return pump to drive my uv light and denitrator (both slow flow rate)

c) put my return pump (eheim 1262) outside the sump tank.

Any idea where i can get all these plumbing parts? thanks. :)

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  • SRC Member

things to take note.

make sure you know your standard of ur existing pipe size. different standards of, say, 25mm pipe sizes are different from each other.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

wish to modify my pipings:

a) what this bro has done:


that is to reduce the 90 degrees elbow from my tank. i dun get what you mean here, if you meant by decreasing ur pipe size, then get a reducer.

b ) add a manifold to use my return pump to drive my uv light and denitrator (both slow flow rate). you need t-joings and a nozzle for this. if dun have the nozzle(hose tail), you can try to reduce your pipe size with a reducer till a flexible hose fits it.for the denitrator, simply drill a hole at your pump output a small hole(5mm) and glue a 5mm hard air line tubing. the 5mm hard tube fits nicely with the denitrator flexible hose intake on most standard denitrator.

c) put my return pump (eheim 1262) outside the sump tank. you will either need male/female socket with silicon glue or spend more to get tank connector. you propably need a ball valve and union joints

Reefdepot sells all of the above, depending on available stock. but they normally sell those of DN (euro) standard pipes which doesnt fits to local standard.

but i will advice you to try hai cheong. or king george road/kitchenery road, there have many pipe shops there. but i believe hai cheong will be a safe bet.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

wish to modify my pipings:

a) what this bro has done:


that is to reduce the 90 degrees elbow from my tank. i dun get what you mean here, if you meant by decreasing ur pipe size, then get a reducer.

b ) add a manifold to use my return pump to drive my uv light and denitrator (both slow flow rate). you need t-joings and a nozzle for this. if dun have the nozzle(hose tail), you can try to reduce your pipe size with a reducer till a flexible hose fits it.for the denitrator, simply drill a hole at your pump output a small hole(5mm) and glue a 5mm hard air line tubing. the 5mm hard tube fits nicely with the denitrator flexible hose intake on most standard denitrator.

c) put my return pump (eheim 1262) outside the sump tank. you will either need male/female socket with silicon glue or spend more to get tank connector. you propably need a ball valve and union joints

Reefdepot sells all of the above, depending on available stock. but they normally sell those of DN (euro) standard pipes which doesnt fits to local standard.

but i will advice you to try hai cheong. or king george road/kitchenery road, there have many pipe shops there. but i believe hai cheong will be a safe bet.


for a), what i meant was in another thread, the bro managed to increase flow rate by installing a flexible hose.

thanks for the advice. appreciate it. now i know where to start. :)

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  • SRC Member

things to take note.

make sure you know your standard of ur existing pipe size. different standards of, say, 25mm pipe sizes are different from each other.

bro LaW, is the standard indicated in the piping?

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  • SRC Member

bro LaW, is the standard indicated in the piping?

you are welcome.

on some occasions, the standard will be printed on the pipes.

but i came across many of those without standard printed on it for DIN/local/china/USA standard. so i suggest cutting a part out to bring to shop to varify. it could be checked easily when they should be experience enough.

and on a personal opinion. the pipes used should be the commonly used local standard because i dont see a point why your initial tank maker wants to use a more expensive imported standard pipe unless being emphasized by you.

and do remember to buy yourself a glue pipe cutter, PVC glue and white teflon tape for the pipe work. all these can be found at the pipes shop.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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