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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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You kids and your damn "FAIL" this and "FAIL" that.... Back in 'my days', LOL was a novelty... and we had the ROFLCOPTER!


I still don't know why I was so amused back then haha..

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • Senior Reefer

i'm at iwarna almost everyday for the past 2 weeks and i'm absolutely mesmerized by their angelfish SPS tank. i love feeding them and watching all of them swarm to the surface to take food. i love it when aunty introduces new fishes in there too. i get to see them every time i go there. and i am super impressed that all the fishes there were just thrown in with no prior quarantine or accustoming.

to date, there are a handful of very difficult fishes there that are in the pink of health! to think that all were thrown in.

golden angel

venustus angel

multubar angel

regal angel pair

powder blue tang

to think all these were just thrown in haha

that is what i want to achieve. a reef tank with non-reef safe fish. angels and butterflies being predominantly my livestock of choice. wrasses will be secondary.

and of course, leaving space for miscellaneous livestock.

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  • Senior Reefer

This is a list of fish that i definitely want and will try to collect all of them.

Dwarf Angels

- joculator

- golden

- colini

- flame

- Multibar

- Venustus

Large Angels

- Asfur!!!

- emperor

- majestic

- good thing these "large" angels can be found in small sizes.

Yellow masked swallowtail angel


- Marcellae

- declives

- mitratus

- paucifasciatus

- marginalis


- roseafascia (yay)

- rhomboid

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Too many? Never too many.. LOL... Why your list so simliar to mine?!?!

not too many meh?

actually i counted. total less than 20 only. still acceptable considering my tank size is 183 gallon with an oversized skimmer. the only big fishes are the big angels and the the swallowtail. rest all remain quite smallish

so maybe can squeeze in a few more :P

hmmm similar? where similar?

which are the similar ones lol.

i think coz we interested in the same kinds of fishes mah no meh? i tot urs dwarf angel tank? LOL. i only got 4 dwarf lei

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not too many meh?

actually i counted. total less than 20 only. still acceptable considering my tank size is 183 gallon with an oversized skimmer. the only big fishes are the big angels and the the swallowtail. rest all remain quite smallish

so maybe can squeeze in a few more :P

hmmm similar? where similar?

which are the similar ones lol.

i think coz we interested in the same kinds of fishes mah no meh? i tot urs dwarf angel tank? LOL. i only got 4 dwarf lei

- joculator

- golden

- colini

- flame

- Multibar

- Venustus

- Yellow masked swallowtail angel

- Marcellae

- Asfur


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  • Senior Reefer

- joculator

- golden

- colini

- flame

- Multibar

- Venustus

- Yellow masked swallowtail angel

- Marcellae

- Asfur


wah. 9 out of 20. almost half leh...

nvm lor LOL! colini, golden, joculator, flame should be same as yours since you keeping dwarf angel tank. multibar and venustus also.

yellow mask swallowtail i actually thinking between this or male watanabei. but settled for yellow mask coz looks more unique.

marcellae... i want aya but settle for this. cheaper.

asfur i didnt know you want also haha! one of my favourites.

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wah. 9 out of 20. almost half leh...

nvm lor LOL! colini, golden, joculator, flame should be same as yours since you keeping dwarf angel tank. multibar and venustus also.

yellow mask swallowtail i actually thinking between this or male watanabei. but settled for yellow mask coz looks more unique.

marcellae... i want aya but settle for this. cheaper.

asfur i didnt know you want also haha! one of my favourites.

Yeah... LOL... Yellow Mask swallowtail have been on my list for very long but never had a big tank to keep them.. Now can liao...

Marcellae maybe not, unless really cant get Aya...

Asfur, only the white bar ones or those small ones..

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i'm at iwarna almost everyday for the past 2 weeks and i'm absolutely mesmerized by their angelfish SPS tank. i love feeding them and watching all of them swarm to the surface to take food. i love it when aunty introduces new fishes in there too. i get to see them every time i go there. and i am super impressed that all the fishes there were just thrown in with no prior quarantine or accustoming.

to date, there are a handful of very difficult fishes there that are in the pink of health! to think that all were thrown in.

When i saw the tank i was also v amazed. I've never seen so many difficult angels being kept in the same system and are all so healthy and fat. Tat's the good thing about big tank and big sump, the system is so stable and can withstand all diseases, able to replicate the same as the ocean. Something v hard for us to achieve..

This is a list of fish that i definitely want and will try to collect all of them.

- joculator (Best dwarf angel to have)

- Asfur!!! (White bar or normal one?)

Yellow masked swallowtail angel (How to find a healthy one??)

- Marcellae (Nice fish but i prefer C.Robustus, or Aya)

- mitratus (Again?! Mux get healthy one this time)

- paucifasciatus (Yes i'm waiting for this too, when is it gg to come!)

- marginalis (After seeing more pics i dun like it anymore)

I've also came up w a temporary list, recently bought too many small nonsense fishes tat i regret v quickly. So unlike of me to buy on impulse, dunno why i lose myself suddenly, mux be the series of unhappy events of not able to get the fishes i want like the latz, deformed angels. Gonna sell them all and go back to my patient stocking!

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  • Senior Reefer

When i saw the tank i was also v amazed. I've never seen so many difficult angels being kept in the same system and are all so healthy and fat. Tat's the good thing about big tank and big sump, the system is so stable and can withstand all diseases, able to replicate the same as the ocean. Something v hard for us to achieve..

I've also came up w a temporary list, recently bought too many small nonsense fishes tat i regret v quickly. So unlike of me to buy on impulse, dunno why i lose myself suddenly, mux be the series of unhappy events of not able to get the fishes i want like the latz, deformed angels. Gonna sell them all and go back to my patient stocking!

i just hope i can stick to my list. maybe get a chance to reduce it too.

alot of them are very common and easily found. but that's ok. if i were to do a tank based on rare and expensive fish only, my wallet will go bust very quickly and it will take me very long to hunt them.

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When i saw the tank i was also v amazed. I've never seen so many difficult angels being kept in the same system and are all so healthy and fat. Tat's the good thing about big tank and big sump, the system is so stable and can withstand all diseases, able to replicate the same as the ocean. Something v hard for us to achieve..

I've also came up w a temporary list, recently bought too many small nonsense fishes tat i regret v quickly. So unlike of me to buy on impulse, dunno why i lose myself suddenly, mux be the series of unhappy events of not able to get the fishes i want like the latz, deformed angels. Gonna sell them all and go back to my patient stocking!

Bro, your tank should be able to do that too... Your tank also quite big...

YEah, Was wondering why you bought the lineatus.. LOL...

C.Robustus not common, I only saw it once and was attracted to its color and size... But never saw it again...

Yellow Mask most of those i see last time are quite healthy...

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i just hope i can stick to my list. maybe get a chance to reduce it too.

alot of them are very common and easily found. but that's ok. if i were to do a tank based on rare and expensive fish only, my wallet will go bust very quickly and it will take me very long to hunt them.

It's v hard to stick to the list, have to be flexible with the fishes in the list.

Anyway my list is quite realistic:

Conspic, Bandit, Wrought Iron, C.Pauscifasciatus, Joculator...

Bro, your tank should be able to do that too... Your tank also quite big...

YEah, Was wondering why you bought the lineatus.. LOL...

C.Robustus not common, I only saw it once and was attracted to its color and size... But never saw it again...

Yellow Mask most of those i see last time are quite healthy...

My tank is a low maintenance kind, if i wan to keep so many fishes as Iwarna i'll have to upgrade a lot of equipments and change water v frequently, too much work for a lazy person like me. Ya the lineatus is one of my greatest regret cos i grow sick of the fish quite soon, although it's still v colourful but the fish is jux not my type of fish. C.Robutus not as common and as popular as marcellae so it's not as frequently imported, the only one i've kept before came from SL during their west africa shipment w a lot a lot of robustus. Yellowmask i always see unhealthy one or only females.

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  • Senior Reefer

It's v hard to stick to the list, have to be flexible with the fishes in the list.

Anyway my list is quite realistic:

Conspic, Bandit, Wrought Iron, C.Pauscifasciatus, Joculator...

My tank is a low maintenance kind, if i wan to keep so many fishes as Iwarna i'll have to upgrade a lot of equipments and change water v frequently, too much work for a lazy person like. Ya the lineatus is one of my greatest regret cos i grow sick of the fish quite soon, although it's still v colourful but the fish is jux not my type of fish. C.Robutus not as common and as popular as marcellae so it's not as frequently imported, the only one i've kept before came from SL during their west africa shipment w a lot a lot of robustus. Yellowmask i always see unhealthy one or only females.

nice list digiman. i will be happy if i could afford the wrought iron!

oh yellowmask i occasionally see at CF. but VERY VERY HUGE. too big to buy.

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  • SRC Member

i'm at iwarna almost everyday for the past 2 weeks and i'm absolutely mesmerized by their angelfish SPS tank. i love feeding them and watching all of them swarm to the surface to take food. i love it when aunty introduces new fishes in there too. i get to see them every time i go there. and i am super impressed that all the fishes there were just thrown in with no prior quarantine or accustoming.

to date, there are a handful of very difficult fishes there that are in the pink of health! to think that all were thrown in.

golden angel

venustus angel

multubar angel

regal angel pair

powder blue tang

to think all these were just thrown in haha

that is what i want to achieve. a reef tank with non-reef safe fish. angels and butterflies being predominantly my livestock of choice. wrasses will be secondary.

and of course, leaving space for miscellaneous livestock.

Were you the guy feeding them flakes on Sunday afternoon?

The volume of water plays a very big part.


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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It's v hard to stick to the list, have to be flexible with the fishes in the list.

Anyway my list is quite realistic:

Conspic, Bandit, Wrought Iron, C.Pauscifasciatus, Joculator...

My tank is a low maintenance kind, if i wan to keep so many fishes as Iwarna i'll have to upgrade a lot of equipments and change water v frequently, too much work for a lazy person like me. Ya the lineatus is one of my greatest regret cos i grow sick of the fish quite soon, although it's still v colourful but the fish is jux not my type of fish. C.Robutus not as common and as popular as marcellae so it's not as frequently imported, the only one i've kept before came from SL during their west africa shipment w a lot a lot of robustus. Yellowmask i always see unhealthy one or only females.

No need to upgrade lar... Just a bigger skimmer and thats all? I think? since you no need to keep corals.. LOl..

Yeah, The Robustus, I saw at SL also... Only left two when I went almost wanted to bag both but in the end din buy... Din know it is that rare and popular...

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nice list digiman. i will be happy if i could afford the wrought iron!

oh yellowmask i occasionally see at CF. but VERY VERY HUGE. too big to buy.

Yeah, CF have but sometime not very huge lar.. 4-5 inch.. Just nice for a show piece...

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I introduced all 6 of the (yet to be identified properly) omobranchus blennies in my tank.

it's FANTASTIC to see all 6 of them interacting like a giant family. all of them are busy swimming upside down, darting around the rocks, playing with each other. it's spectacular to see. very interesting social behaviour and i've never seen anything like this in any blenny species.

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