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Posts posted by Richie13

  1. Do you have fish in your tank? Interested to find the cause, maybe you discovered the reef safe way to remove worms! :whistle

    I have tangs, wrasses, mandarins, firefish and nemos... just collected another 14 lively worms... :unsure:

    your KH is 16?! That's ... WOW.. that's very very high .... I don't know whether my salifert test kit even goes that high.. tongue.gif does it?

    I don't see your phosphate readings... PO4 or NO4 above?

    how about your fish? how's your fish doing?

    Btw my nitrates (No3) is very high too about 50 but it doesn't seem to affect the health of my fishes and LPS... just sPS can't really survive in my tank...

    My PO4 test kit finished, haven't buy new one yet, so never test... :paiseh:

    I have been dosing MG daily(recommended by Seet) as my MG is around 800-900... the other changes is my salinity use to be 1.015, PH ue to be 7.8-7.9 :blink:

  2. anything wrong with the corals?

    better check your water salinity and parameters

    worms don't die for a reason. they are pretty hardy! :X

    my corals are ok xcept for some zoas not opening... only casualty is cleaner shrimp x1...

    Salinity: 1.0225

    MG: 1025

    CA: 350

    PH: 8.27

    KH: 16


    NO2: 0

    N03: 20


  3. Past few days I have being busy picking out dead / half dead / dying bristtle worm from my sand bed. Big and small, they all seems to be coming out to the open. :wacko:

    Have a total count of 67 till now. :o

    Can somebody advice me what's happening??? :bow:

  4. THE UNTHINKABLE!!! :shock::cry2::cry::( :


    The corner of the tank was actually chipped and cracked when exiting the lift............. and to make things complicated, it was the front panel... which is a crystal-glass panel used by bro Louis... I felt shattered, as the tank was meant as a gift from Louis (Super Duper Kindness :bow::ooh: ) , and even he was shocked about it, but Leon of Sg Bros readily offered to replace 1 for 1 the damaged panel, and he assured me the replacement panel will be crystal-glass as well, and I hope it will be the case... well, at least it's some 5-star service. It was cordial and there was no arguments etc at all. Might just top up the Sg Bros for the new panel in bona fide. B)

    Very cool tank... now is the most testing part... PATIENCE... :wacko:

    Camping here for more updates... :pinch:

  5. Sorry for your losses... but don't give up on PBT, PBrT... :pirate:

    They are really a beauty to have in the tank... but do consider keeping just one, either PBT or PBrT... an At will be a nice addition as well... but, Quarantine is a must... I ks, kept PBT, PBrT and AT for a full month b4 transfering to my main tank... :blush:

  6. AND HERE Is the FLAME WRASSE pair

    The wife


    The husband getting some cleaning by the cleaner wrasse.. LOL



    GOt the cleaner wrasse from Irwarna and he will follow the tangs around to clean or he sets up a cleaning station SMACK in the middle of the tank and the tangs take turns to go to him. :P Here he is cleaning the YT


    AND after so long, we decided to let the Powder brown out.. here he is swimming peacefully ( for now) on the top part of the tank... HE STILL isn't eating.. we have tried everything and now I hope that he sees the fish eat ( beta boxed him for 3 nights ... and yet still not eating ANYTHING!.. ) then he will eat too.. :( /pray


    ANd here's a pic of our laboutie having some fun..


    A close up of our FAT Trechy.



    Desi :thanks:

    Very nice... drool... :whistle

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