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Everything posted by seahorse

  1. Thanks to all for the complement. Up next will be my fishes......
  2. Wow , FOWLR TOTM of the mth coming up.....
  3. Sold to hecter.. Thanks for showing interest . Cheers.
  4. When i came back from malaysia after 3 days... found this piece on a piece of rock ( not attached ) far away from my mother colony ! Self frag ??
  5. Hi , I have a piece of fire orange florida for sale . 1 pcs only . Going at $25 . Abt 20 cents coin when not fully expanded . Interested parties pls pm , first come first serve!!
  6. Ya DB , still trying to make my a bottomless pit like yours . Trying very hard..
  7. They do look close .. but care must be taken that they do not touch & had enough room for growth .
  8. Thanks Hon.. Your sps are also very good .... especially the BLUE or TEAL coloured one !! ( Can frag or not ?? )
  9. This is centre portion of my tank.... Clams & sps's stronghold!!
  10. The same pcs as above when I bought it 6 mths back...
  11. Episode 4 starting now.... SPS....
  12. I have been using Reefez products for quite sometime now . I find that they give the best purity for that price & low in heavy metals. The results that they give are the same or even better than some very establish brand which cost a lot more...
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