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Posts posted by iLIKEfish

  1. hmm i duno about that..not that good in this haha

    but i heard abt CULTURED and UNCULTURED live rock..

    UNCULTURED live rock are the ones u pick off oceans

    CULTURED ones seem to be made like how u described it i guess..but if u ask me that will take a real long time

    R*****W at serangoon sells uncultered at $25/kg i think that is killer price wonder if anyone ever buys em...

  2. Cured live rock means the rock has been put through the curing process fully. All dying organisms are gone.

    It is ready for a stocked tank. If you buy fully cured live rock from a local store, you can safely add it to a stocked and established tank. It may still cause a slight ammonia spike but the spike will be short-lived and minor.

    If the rock is uncured..u gotta cure it first. Easy way to do it: Dip it into, say a bucket or another tank having the same parameters as your tank, for 2 weeks or more. Don't change the water. After 2 weeks test for ammonia, nitrite. If undetectable it is cured. Else, wait a few more days...

  3. get test kits. they all basically do the same thing and r easy to use..

    basic ones are for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite & pH.

    when u can't detect ammonia and nitrite anymore..ur tanks is ready i guess.

    post your tank specs...it helps other see the problem better.

    anyway.. u'd better read the pinned threads instead? they hav all the info a newbie needs.

  4. hey i don't mind a gathering..=) wanna get to know more ppl and stuf abt reef keepin

    i plan to keep marine fish after a's, maybe nex week i plan to buy a tank n dump everything inside except LS, and cycle like crazy till 7 wks later after xams..

    think it'll work?

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