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Posts posted by xiggie

  1. sharks .... who wants sharks .... im going fishing next week can catch lots of sharks .. place order here plz any kinda of shark nurse shark , bull shark , bamboo shark ,white tip ,black tip reef shark .. sharks fin also have .... but no guaranty ull get it alive .... hehehe :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  2. anthais can be bought alone but by buying a group it will make the anthis more bold and encourage it to come out to search for food ... you may want to try dispar as its more easy... and also anthais dun school but they shoal ... hope it helps. those that are super shy are purple and princess ...

    school and shoal different meh?

  3. weileong, to u understand 0.5 hp are base on what?

    when u buy the chiller what u needs if they can cool your tank to temp requirement ...25 deg C.

    i.e. brand A -0.5 hp can cool down temp to 25 deg C. < 4 hrs at S$ 1...... or brand B 05 hp cannot cool down to 25 deg C and the cost is much lower S$ 8.... ask yourself which wants to u buy?

    The important is whether 0.5 hp can cool the tank and u are happy with the cost $$

    ???????? what brand of chiller cannot cool down water to 25 deg C ... ??

    what i know is all chiller be it 1/2 hp 1 hp or 1.5 hp of what so ever brand can and will chill water to 25degC ...

  4. press set once and set to desired temperature example 26degree

    press set and hold will get u to cal .. which is used to calibrate the temperature the chiller reads to the actual temperature of your tank water . u need a thermometer in your tank to do this ... set by increasing or decreasing to match .

    the chiller has a 2 degree difference meaning it will switch on when temperature is 2degree higher then the set temperature .

  5. Hi All,

    Sorry for "hijacking" your thread :paiseh: , bro but I have the same problem and also need help on this. Think any advice would be helpful to both of us.

    I have a 3 x 1.5 x 2ft tank with 5" DSB and lighted by 2 x 150W MH.

    My water parameters are:

    NH3 = 0

    NO2 = 0

    NO3 = 0

    Temp = 29

    Salinity = 1.022

    pH = 8.5 (How to lower to the recommended 8.3? Tried 30% water change but still the same)

    It all started when my yellow watchman goby died for no apparent reason. One minute, I see it chasing after food fed to the tank, the next moment, it was lying dead on the sandbed. Thing is, it was actually getting more colourful and lively prior to its untimely death.

    Then followed my Agogo yesterday. Swimming happily one minute. Then appeared dazed and stayed in a corner. Hours later, carcass seen floating around the tank.

    My tank consist mainly of peaceful livestock:

    02 x Common Clown

    01 x Green Blue Chromis

    01 x Potters Angel

    04 x Cleaner Shrimp

    01 x Red Starfish (Tiny)

    All appear to be in good health!

    Can anyone please help shed light in this?

    Thanks in advance!!! :thanks:

    a ph of 8.5 is good enuff u dont need to change anything ...

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