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Posts posted by marinetankguppy

  1. High temperatures will increase metabolic rates and shorten the lifespans of livestock. Temperature also affects the level of dissolved oxygen in the water plus increase the effect of certain toxens. Best to keep your termperature to below 30 if possible for FOWLR tanks with sensitive livestock.

    I hope i dun sound too bimbotic when i ask - so how to keep temperature low? if mines a FOWLR tank...and i dont have a chiller? any other methods?

  2. do we need to know how to swim first before can apply for diving? my swimming means able to swim like 50 or 100m in the swimming pool.

    not really lei...im not very fit but im an OK diver... just have to be alert , join a reputable dive centre, get proper training , and remember your BWARF training ... me thinks if you dont ace the class and pool lessons, no reputable dive centre will take you out to sea to do OW anyway :D Happy diving!

  3. Alamak..mistake mistake..see la post so late at night hahaha i forgot abt brownie! who lost the battle with ich :(

    And the twinspot hogfish was from Ming ...heheh typo :P

    And now almost 4 months into marine tank masak foray..there are 8 in the tank

    1. Peacock Lionfish ( murderer! killer of 1 hog, 1 dottyback)

    2. Maroon Clown ( greedy lil bugger)

    3. Blue Tang ( Ich Survivor!)

    4. Twinspot Hogfish ( Wilson Hog )

    5. Twinspot Hogfish (MIng Hog )

    6. Regal Angel

    7. Flame Angel

    8. Yellow Tang

    Gone to fishie heaven

    1. Perculas x 2 ( death by clownfish disease)

    2. Dottyback x 1 ( eaten by lion)

    3. Twinspot Hog Big one x 1 ( eaten by Lion)

    4. Brown Surgeon Tang x 1 ( death by marine Ich/ white spot )

    I love this forum!

    Thank you guys for generously giving me your fishies! :D *hugs*

    Last saturday one member of this forum Meng generously gave me a Twinspot Hogfish :D *trembles in delight* :yeah: check it out!


    And this saturday .. Got a lil Yellow Pressie Today :D


    And now almost 4 months into marine tank masak foray..there are 8 in the tank

    1. Peacock Lionfish ( murderer! killer of 1 hog, 1 dottyback)

    2. Maroon Clown ( greedy lil bugger)

    3. Blue Tang ( Ich Survivor!)

    4. Twinspot Hogfish ( Wilson Hog )

    5. Twinspot Hogfish (MIng Hog )

    6. Regal Angel

    7. Flame Angel

    8. Yellow Tang

    Gone to fishie heaven

    1. Perculas x 2 ( death by clownfish disease)

    2. Dottyback x 1 ( eaten by lion)

    3. Twinspot Hog Big one x 1 ( eaten by Lion)

    Im having absolutely so much fun!

  4. I love this forum!

    Thank you guys for generously giving me your fishies! :D *hugs*

    Last saturday one member of this forum Meng generously gave me a Twinspot Hogfish :D *trembles in delight* :yeah: check it out!


    And this saturday .. Got a lil Yellow Pressie Today :D


    And now almost 4 months into marine tank masak foray..there are 8 in the tank

    1. Peacock Lionfish ( murderer! killer of 1 hog, 1 dottyback)

    2. Maroon Clown ( greedy lil bugger)

    3. Blue Tang ( Ich Survivor!)

    4. Twinspot Hogfish ( Wilson Hog )

    5. Twinspot Hogfish (Meng Hog )

    6. Regal Angel

    7. Flame Angel

    8. Yellow Tang

    Gone to fishie heaven

    1. Perculas x 2 ( death by clownfish disease)

    2. Dottyback x 1 ( eaten by lion)

    3. Twinspot Hog Big one x 1 ( eaten by Lion)

    Im having absolutely so much fun!

  5. I love this forum!

    Thank you guys for generously giving me your fishies! :D *hugs*

    Last saturday one member of this forum Meng generously gave me a Twinspot Hogfish :D *trembles in delight* :yeah: check it out!


    And this saturday .. Got a lil Yellow Pressie Today :D


    And now almost 4 months into marine tank masak foray..there are 8 in the tank

    1. Peacock Lionfish ( murderer! killer of 1 hog, 1 dottyback)

    2. Maroon Clown ( greedy lil bugger)

    3. Blue Tang ( Ich Survivor!)

    4. Twinspot Hogfish ( Wilson Hog )

    5. Twinspot Hogfish (Meng Hog )

    6. Regal Angel

    7. Flame Angel

    8. Yellow Tang

    Gone to fishie heaven

    1. Perculas x 2 ( death by clownfish disease)

    2. Dottyback x 1 ( eaten by lion)

    3. Twinspot Hog Big one x 1 ( eaten by Lion)

    Im having absolutely so much fun!

  6. I love this forum!

    Thank you guys for generously giving me your fishies! :D *hugs*

    Last saturday one member of this forum Meng generously gave me a Twinspot Hogfish :D *trembles in delight* :yeah: check it out!


    And this saturday .. Got a lil Yellow Pressie Today :D


    And now almost 4 months into marine tank masak foray..there are 8 in the tank

    1. Peacock Lionfish ( murderer! killer of 1 hog, 1 dottyback)

    2. Maroon Clown ( greedy lil bugger)

    3. Blue Tang ( Ich Survivor!)

    4. Twinspot Hogfish ( Wilson Hog )

    5. Twinspot Hogfish (Meng Hog )

    6. Regal Angel

    7. Flame Angel

    8. Yellow Tang

    Gone to fishie heaven

    1. Perculas x 2 ( death by clownfish disease)

    2. Dottyback x 1 ( eaten by lion)

    3. Twinspot Hog Big one x 1 ( eaten by Lion)

    Im having absolutely so much fun!

  7. As long as the ich problem is under control, that's really good news.

    powder brown is well known to be hard to keep, so dun be disheartened. Why don't you do a lions fish only tank? there're lots of nice lion fish.

    The good thing is, they're hardy, and dont need super high flow.

    One of my friend used to keep all lions... really majestic when u see them swim around... especially when hunting.

    Want many colours la...colourful fishies....many diff shapes and sizes..

  8. haha... very comical commentary for a sad situation.

    Yes, wilson has 9 lives. haha...

    how's the ich problem? better now?

    wat to do...eaten liao..tail flopped out of mouth liao..cannot save liao... it was at once helpless, at once horrific and hilarious at the same time i tell ya

    Ich problem settled liao - well sort of...bluey tang now only has a few random spots... he is still eating robustly.. but brown tang died a few days ago already :(

    going fish shopping soon i guess ...sigh ...from 6 became 5.....and now due to the murder..there are ONLY 4 left in the tank..sheeesh


    Yes its been some time since i posted on my marinetankmasak blog. Thats because Im still battling Ich. Yes its unbelievable but its true. bluey is sort of on the path to recovery but brown tang is still covered in white spots...sigh. anyway to last night's new discovery!

    My tank has been in operation with live rocks fishie etc for over 2 months today and i thought i had 6 in my happy little tank family...boy was i so wrong! Looks like i got more than live rocks when i brought them home last time.. hee hee FREEBIE CRITTERS

    Hmm wonder if there are more I havent noticed yet? :lol:

    check it out! i took pics of my free critter


  10. I am so annoyed with myself.


    to all new marine tank masakers - 13 watt UV light on doesnt mean UV is working ...duh.

    a friend came to my aid in response to my white spot SOS calls.... only to discover .

    - yes UV light was working it was on and bright ...BUT!!!

    the PUMP ...tat brings the water through the UV light was not switched on! aaaaaargh!!!

    that was why the white spots dont seem to be clearing that was why the UV light didnt seem to work...that is why my poor tangs are suffering! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    check your equipment often and check them properly!!! I am so annoyed with myself!

  11. Wow..thats alot of information to study and digest !

    Which i will..But will persevere! because they are soooo adorable! work hard make more money for my babies!!!!


    on a positive note - i got my first copepods! whahahahah


    many thanks for the advice.. let me read more.. :)

    oh btw...tat why me no corals yet...baby steps... scary scary scary territory ...

    Yeap, like I said ... it all adds up. Bigger the tank, more expensive the equipments needed and also the variable costs involved for upkeep (i.e. Calcium, Mag, Sel, Carbonate, Coral food dosing ... activated carbon, phosphate remover etc., then comes the electricity bill)

    Not easy to maintain a Marine tank on the cheap, and still produce excellent results (i.e. Corals reproducing, instead of just keeping them alive for display only).

    Just your complete range of test kits for all parameters needed to keep excellent water quality: S$200

    A bottle of Rowaphos 500ml (to remove phosphate): S$70

    The above items are just some quick example of the kind of "Variable costs" on an on-going basis you need to take into account of. There are 2 ways to go about it, since changing of saltwater can be troublesome and expensive too (i.e. 4kg Tropic Marine salt-mix, around $30, able to make 120L ... appox 30 gallons) ... for your kind of tank, just 2 small partial water change, you will use up the whole pack. Then, if you want to do it "correctly", you will need RO/DI unit to filter your tap water, which will set you back another $300+ to $400 ... the filter media canister needs to be changed too, more on-going costs involved. But, if you buy pre-packed Natural Sea Water from the fish farms, you got a heck of a logistical problem. Try carrying 20 to 60 kg of salt water up and down from the farm, into your car, then up to your apartment ... then change it ... whaoooo, once and you will give up, not to mention doing it twice a month!

    So, sorry .. sidetracked a bit there ... the 1st way to maintain good water parameters is to do consistent partial new water changes. Costs and effort as document above. The 2nd way is to buy a VERY good skimmer, and then buy AZ-NO3 to dose. (btw, Weipro not considered as a good skimmer) Both ways the long term costs will work out to be the same, more or less ... the only difference is your physically effort needed. For regular water change, more effort required ... the good skimmer and AZ-NO3 route, less effort required. I went with the 2nd way, becoz my tank much smaller (100L).

    For a large tank like yours, with a sump ... can consider Deep Sand Bed (DSB). But this will take a while to mature, meanwhile you still need to use 1st or 2nd way to export NO3 until your DSB with the anaerobic bacteria have established themselves.

    I started a thread that survey other bros' experiences in their electricity bill consumption, you can read it to get a guide ... becoz I am experiencing very high electricity bill for a very small tank, with very low wattage equipment. So, need to be mentally prepared for the costs to add up.

  12. Sorry, just went to visit your blog and saw the pictures of your setup. huge tank, i must say. your 9w UV is not enough for tank of this size. in addition, i think your in and out flow to your UV placed in such a way that limits maximum water circulation (thus contact and ich killing capability).

    for UV, ich will be killed during the free swimming stage ... so it is normal to see your fish do "glancing" (rubbing against rocks, sand) motions for a few days, then the ich drops off, crawls around like a small bug ... lots of them, makes your skin itch just looking at them. after that, they cocoon up, then burst ... become many small free swimming guys in the water ... that's when UV will kill them. but you only got 6 to 12 hours window of opportunity, so make sure your tank's volume of water are all passed through your UV device.

    plus, if you use too large a pump, too fast a flow through the UV device, the effectiveness will be reduced tremendously (esp with a small 9w unit, very short). so if you have large tank, large pumps, high flow rate, you will need a very long UV device (and higher wattage, of course).

    it all adds up, marine tank very expensive to upkeep ... esp for a large tank. how much u paying for electricity? got a chiller?

    HMMMMMMMM so buy one more UV light? two times the duty? :( gosh.... this is getting more n more expensive. other forumers have also been advising that my el cheapo skimmer is also not enough for my 4 ft tank...

    u are right abt the ich .. fishies have been rubbing insanely everywhere...sometimes the hogfish will nibble on the fishies...but ..still the ich is still there :( ..im waiting and observing now. I didnt know abt the pump being too powerful...hence flow too fast thro UV device...hmmm yes installed the UV there to precisely prevent the ich ..but but...ya lor not seem to work.. its putting a slow brake on my plans to bring other tangs home :(

    No chiller yet... bill..havent opened it yet :P hahahahahha tooo afraid.. but its like riding a tiger you know ? on tiger already.. aint abt to get off yet ;)

    so far.the joy of watching my new babies swim about.. has been quite quite satisfying.

    thanks for the advice..hmm need to rework and re-look..

    stay tuned!

  13. White spots... Oooo...

    If the fishes are swimming normally and eating like no tomorrow, then it should be fine. They will overcome the ich in a few days/week time.

    Hmmm swimming erm rather insanely - rubbing themselves against the rocks and the sand ...

    eating -- ya eat like piggies

    so technically the whitespots will clear in a few days time? Im keeping my fins crossed! still worrying though.... sigh


    I just spotted little white tiny spots ( look like white cyrstals) on both Blue Tang and Powder Brown Tang ... HOW?

    Help!!! anyone knows what i can do to fix the problem ? is this what is known as white spots?

    i read somewhere we have to dunk in fresh water?

    can anyone here help with suggestions ?


  15. Acclimatize? Oopps too late, he's in, he's happie and he's swimming about with everyone! this time round coz everybody is soooo big, he's not exactly able to bully anyone...hahahahahahah

    NEW KID ON THE BLOCK - Wilson Hogfish!


    Thanks Wilson! woohoo the hogfish is actually the exact same type of hogfish as mine.. just half the size! :P and both hogfishes , in fact EVERYBODY got along soooo well, My only worry now...the hogfish you have so generously given to me,, is the same size as the dottyback that got eaten by the lionfish....

    Will keep everybody posted!

    I LOVE THIS FORUM ALREADY hahahahahahhha :yeah:

  16. Skimmers don't work in when placed in serial. One will work, but the other will not generate any skimmate.

    So no point using 2 skimmers in one circuit. Just one big powerful one is enough. Generally, overskimming is recommended.

    Don't worry about tank crashing. If you're patient, stock carefully, read up, don't take unnecessary risks, it shouldn't happen. If you've not read up enough, and you do whatever you want without considering the needs of the system, then that's when you should worry.

    Uhoh...i think i may have gotten another 2nd hand skimmre sponsored...hmmm lemme see if that is still firm... but if i have to get a super duper powerful skimmer whoah i will be broke for the next 3 months .. suddenly wondering what Ive gotten myself into..

    poor about to be broke guppy

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