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Posts posted by crash

  1. Any idea if a Royal Gamma and a Fire Goby/purple firefish can live happily together in a 24G nanocube?

    erm... from my experience... mine is a false gramma... too aggresive... killed my fire goby in 1 wk plus...but im not sure if a royal gramma would do so... maybe u can introduce ur fire goby before the royal gramma... oh ya.. mine is a much smaller tank.. 12 gals...

  2. I just use the energy saving light.

    oh.. ok... ya.. i know a lot of fellow reefers using those energy saving lamp... but i wan2 try juz running a small LED into the sump... mine is a nanocube... thus.. i dun wan2 make things look too messy... there's also too little space...

  3. You should not have any problem finding PL ballast, just ask around in DIY shop or self fix, or even sim lim tower. PL tube wise i usually go to pasir ris fish farm area, think its at Lot 63 something like that.

    oh... ok thks alot bro... i'll try to source for it...

  4. 36W PC light are much longer than your 13W, not sure will it fit in your hood. Next, you'll need longer reflector and change ballast also, on the wiring portion its easy if you have some electrical background. Check out nano-reef.com, you'll get some useful idea there :)

    hi... thks for the advice... do u hav any idea where can i get the ballast n bulbs??

  5. hi all,

    i was thinking of changin my 13W PL lights in the hood to higher wattage such as 36W... i dont think i can juz buy a 36Wbulb to replace it right? i was wondering how to do this modification and where can i get those lighting equipments... any experts can give me some advices? thks...

  6. hi all,

    i hav been running a fowlr tank for abt 6 mths... tinking of addin in some mushrooms n zoa...

    but firstly i wan2 know wat r the tests i need to run?

    i already hav the NH4, NO2, NO3 and pH testkits.. wat other test kits do i need?


  7. hi all, as i'm having a small nano cube.. the lighting provided is only a PL 11W... my tank is 35L... is this light sufficient to keep corals such as zoa, hammer, bubble? seems a little too weak but i hav no experience in changing to another lamp...

  8. Did euu try to remove the outlet cover? It'll safe more space...

    yup bro... i hav remove it n stuff the outlet with the black sponge... but will probably change the sponge to filter wool cos its ineffective in preventing bubbles from coming out...

    anyway... do u i can remove the pump and replace with an airstone? but im not sure if it'll work and dunno the air stone to use..

  9. On budget?? If so I reccomend ya Resun sk-05 not bad la but MUST monitor water level... at AM new stock of this just arrive...

    hi bro.. thks for the advice...

    actually im already using it... but the space in the sump is so limited...i can only put it on my last compartment... juz above the return pump...this is very inconvenient when i need to take out the cup n discard the skimmate...

    i was looking for something even smaller to fit into the 2nd compartment nicely... but i cant seems to find any till now...

  10. hi bros...

    can anyone recommend a small chiller for a nano tank of abt 35 L?

    was wondering if those TEM type r good enough? was tinking of the dolphin mini chiller... but cant find any reviews on it...

    hope someone can shed some light on it... thks....

  11. hi all,

    can any experts provide me with some info on sand sifter starfish?

    1) is it good for keeping sand bed clean?

    2) does it move abt or does it stay mostly in one spot? ( mine jus stay at the same spot for 2 days..)

    3) is it hardy? can tolerate nitrate between 15-20mg/l?


  12. thks for the advice...

    anyway... i got the following now...

    cleaner shrimp x 1

    hermit crab x 1

    sand shifter star x 1

    royal gramma x 1 ( i dun tink its the true royal gramma)

    currently i hav abt 4 kg of lr in the tank... ya... space is very limited.. but there r still a little space in the sump tank... is it advisable to put some small lr in there? there will be no light in the sump...

    so is there any goby that u can reccommend? the fire goby? is it good?

  13. thks bros for the reminder....

    ya.. i am aware of the water instability in small tank... im trying to fight this prob with WC... currently i change every wk.. does having more lr help to stabilise the water parameters more?

    also... wat r the goby that i can get? are gobies agressive? i wan2 keep the sand clean...

  14. hi all... thks for the input...

    first of all i tink i cant use a hang on fuge without throwing the hood rite?

    secondly, i saw those few links posted by u guys... the idea was great... but i hav no idea how to modify them to be suitable for my nano cube... the main thing is the overflow system.. i dun tink i hav much space to accomodate that rite?

    i was also tinking of jus growing some chaeto in the sump tank as a form of nitrate export... but im not sure if its feasible... the amt of chaeto i can house in that compartment could be too little.. moreover, its difficult to provide light into those compartment...

    any more advice from u guys? thanks alot anyway..

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