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Posts posted by e>ben<K

  1. Hi all,

    Thanks for all the inputs.

    "hi there, regards on the mushies, care to share your tank stats? Temp, CA, etc etc

    On bleaching part, i do suspect your temp is on the high side when your tank on the lights.

    hope these helps. "

    Sad to say this, but so far 2 months into this hobby i do not have any test kits yet. As for the temp, i do not have any chiller hence, temp suppose to hover around 28-30 degree celcuis

  2. Bro, got ur tubes yet? Sorry I couldn't go by with you guys :D

    Spend some money and upgrade your lightset. No regrets :D

    No more 2ft left when we are there. So kenneth bought the 3ft one. Indeed lots of difference.

    Spend whole of last night trying to catch the rotten tail fish. FUSTRATED i should say, haha din't manage to catch it. Seems that there is a plague outbreak in my tank 2 more clown spotted with white spots. So helpless now !!

    How man!

  3. hi BenQ, care to share what lightings are they under? :)

    the white balls stuff sounds like urchins.. i'm not too sure though.. if in doubt, remove it first ba.. cheers..

    Hi there,

    My tank is a 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft tank. Using 2ft lights 4 tubes of T5. 2 white light and 2 actinic blue.

    The ball like think is white plus abit greenish. Been staring at them whole of last night. Dont seem to have any reaction. haha



  4. Hi all,

    Newbie to marine fish here. SO bear with me.

    Am into a saga of keeping Mushies. Recently encounter a problem. my hairy mushrooms green tips are losing colour. i wonder whats the cause of it and what can i do to maintian its colour, very disheartning to see this mushies fade away.

    Also, just got a rocks full of mushies. Realise that there are 3 round ball-like thingy on top of it. with white tiny spikes on it. looks intresting but is it a friend or foe. i will try to post a pic, in the meantime any idea what is it?

  5. Hi all!!

    I also have been stung with these problem.. Red Zoas...not opening properly (1/2 open) after water change. At times it dont even open at all.

    You guys mentioned about water dips. How do we perform that? What is it really for?

    PLease advise.

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