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Posts posted by Blehz

  1. haha.. thankz for all comment ... thankz alots.. i get wat u all trying to say.. well no harm asking around .. juz asking around whether pple is giving up their fish since there is no one giving away did i pestering around them say "pls give me ur fish for Free" never right.. !!!

    OMG!!!!!!I just realised your skin DAMN THICK. :shock:

  2. wah thats worst than soaking it in fresh water. if you ndun want the worms, soak it in fresh water for1-2 mins and they will come out.

    but if you do that must as well by normal rocks.

    (what u think is also what i think when i first started. now still thinking to to kill all inhabitants or not.) ;)

    no use..the crabs r damn hardy...can even survive the cycling period..

  3. That will kill just about everything else you bought the rock for. :lol:

    But is it ok? afterall I am gonna use it to cycle the tank from scratch..is it advisable? rather get rid of those pest from day 1 then to after "settling" the tank then find ways to trap them...headache..

  4. Some of the live rocks comes with pest like worms, crabs etc. If I were to cycled my tank from scratch with the Liverocks, could I simply dipped the liverocks into hot boiling water before putting them into my tank for cycling? (the hot water will killed all the living pest hiding in the liverocks rite?)

  5. Then why u all go there.. for me if the shop have poor tanks and unmaintained it just means the shop owner the boss only interested in $$$ not the life of the fish.. and he is not qa fish lover himself ..

    i won't go to the shop and i spit on them..

    For majority of the people whom went to tat shop is either:

    1) 1st visit to tat shop

    2) Decided to give it another chance since they r not those converted FW LFS whom most of the time have only half *expletive* knowledge abt marine keeping.

    You mentioned abt "....shop owner the boss only interested in $$$ not the life of the fish.. and he is not qa fish lover himself ..

    i won't go to the shop and i spit on them.."

    Then why do u still patronise PSB? for yr info, last nite (thurs nite), when the new livestk came in, guess how the shop pple intro the new fishes into their tank....after the plastic bags taken out from ice box, the fish were immediately put into the small pail n the next second, he just use his hand to catch the fish from the pail n put it into his tank..wifout proper acclimatizing it. There was a 6inch blue tang(oh yes..its a BIG blue tang) n less than 30 mins after being introduced into the tank, the 6" Blue tang is lying on it sideway.Doubt it will make it..

    Not only tat, at times u can see fishes wif cloudy eyes, white spots, dying fishes hiding at one corner....

    Do u call tis fish lover? :ooh: if no, u ought to spit on them

  6. haha.. im the first one to get in touch with you bro.. but in the end.. another person gets the deal.. and i tried calling you and sms you but you refuse to pick up the call..

    thanks nevertheless~

    THIS IS LAME. :angry:

    U must be DAMN DESPERATE for the shrimps.

    How would u know u r the first person to approach seller? Others cannot contacted him before u meh?

    U sound as if the seller MUST sell to u...is it his obligation? <_<

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