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Posts posted by sparks1107

  1. Due to lack of space and my on-going purchases,

    I am selling 3 fist sized indo colonies, 1 light blue frag, 1 indo frag, and some more which I cannot figure out at the moment (at east got 2 more rocks of them :X)

    I lost some colours for some of the colonies because I was not running any lights for 2 months. Otherwise they are healthy and good to go.

    And price is $20 for all of the above.

    Anything just PM me. :thanks:

    pics bro? place for collection?

  2. He guys,

    shame on me, but I got another filter in my reef tank sump which got this black stuff inside. The water comes from underneath through and flows out at the lid on the top. The medium is heavier than water.

    What is it exactly called and what purpose does it have and do i need to replace it.

    Kinda funny but got to know...


    its a waterfall filter? sounds like carbon to me. any pic?

  3. it would also look great if u can make overhangs for fishes to swim through ^_^

    your rocks look like dead rocks to me. correct me if im wrong. and if u wanna add in LR now might risk a nitrite spike, which may also risk causing death of your clownfish. can consider adding dead rocks though. dont think u need to glue them up cause next time if u wanna add in coral or anything u can rescape your rocks again.

    just my 2cents :eyebrow:

  4. if u are still worried, u might wanna consider carbon to remove the toxin =)

    shld there be any

    already have activated carbon in my filter running for 1mth+ already. probably time for a change. but dont think ill be able to get them anywhere these few days.

    anyway, any brand that u guys can recommend for activated carbon? those that come along with a bag. been using chemipure. not easy to find small ones though.

  5. i dun think the flies should have any impact... they did not die and rot as u mention, its quite recent and some still alive. and i dun think they are poisonous because well, they are delicious. lizard and frogs living in my old house enjoyed them XD

    just observe ur percs.

    still swimming at the other side of the tank, instead of swimming near my skimmer. they're swimming quite close to each other though. :upsidedown:

  6. I went out this afternoon leaving my lights on. It started raining in the evening and my windows were left semi open. After I reached home, to my astonishment, i saw 20 over flies (attracted by my light) inside my tank! :shock:

    All of them were floating on the surface of my tank, i quickly tried removing them by using a small container. Some of them are still alive!

    Did a 20% water change. However, my true perc is behaving weirdly now. Swimming aimlessly. Normally, by this hour he'll swim around the skimmer preparing to sleep. However, I bought a new true perc to pair up with him today, and pasted a black film at the back of my tank as well.

    Anyone encountered this before? No idea is it because of the contamination of the flies or is it because of the new things i introduced today. :nuke:

  7. coral or fish? :)

    should be fishes.. cause i was browsing the fish section when he told me this. well guess CF has more fishes than other LFS. normally i patronise there to buy fishes instead of coral.

  8. yeap something like that , plus the stem or what you call that gets like filled with i dont know what haha! XD

    my mushrooms also curled up like a ball when my lights are off. think its normal. no worries. :eyebrow:

  9. u can try using a tube to feed them. else abit troublesome, what i do is put my hand inside n drop 2 3 pellets onto them.

    ok will try feeding with pellets too. think part of my bubble already died off. haven open up for days already. cam with my sis unable to take pic :huh:

    so i just drop the pellets onto any parts of the bubble? or do i have to wait for the tentacles to be out then drop onto them? cause i noticed they're only out at night <_<

    :thanks: anyway.

  10. Best time to feed is when lights are off....their tentacles will start coming out searching for food. But sometimes, if they are really desperate for food, their tentacles will also appear in the day. Just turn off yr wavemaker and feed them with tiny bits of prawn or fish meat weekly or alternate weeks will do...once they are accustom to feeding, you do not have to switch off yr wavemaker anymore. You can also feed them with cyclopee or those prepared food, sold in AM@Katong or Henry's gourmet @ML. Bascially most LPS feed in the night...also true for sps...though i failed my attempt with staghorn..

    bro, lemon i cannot imagine pple feed their LPS everyday....wahahahaha...this is funny

    actually, FYI my tank already up for about 1year already. I've tested my nitrite, pH, salinity all along. as for the rest of the parameters i didnt check. cause my tank initially was a FOWLR.

    probably i should try feeding my LPS with henry gourment at late evening with blue lights on. (giving them a night feeling) haven take note of the food falling onto the bubble's tentacles. think muz b really coincidence for the food to fall onto them. not easy :eyebrow:

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