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Posts posted by t1n_2

  1. Hey guys. Just a slight update. Today i turned the Hydor moonlights on and i found some fluorescent orange coraline growing on the live rocks. I'm not sure if they were there on the 1st place but they're there now. With the lights on, i can still see the orange coraline as well. Some of the live rocks also have some light green layers. Not sure if they're algae though. Apart from that, there's like some mucous on about 3 places of the rocks. They're black-greyish.

    And last but not least, i finally see some life! There's small snails about 1 cm and some very small shellfish!

  2. I'm currently using about 15kg of live rocks. As for the sand, i'm not very sure what type of sand they are but i think they are Grade 3 sand (size) and white in colour. i'm thinking about switching to live sand once stocks come in or when i can find some that are available. Do you think it is advisable to do so? will post some pictures of the set up once i get home from camp one of these days.

  3. Hey all. There is no live sand available till May so i decided to just use normal sand. Anyways, my tank has been running for about 3 days now. Seems like there was quite a lot of die off from the live rocks that i bought from one of the pasir ris farmway LFS. I think it was pacific reef or somthin like that. I'm now just waiting for the tank to cycle while i am stuck in SAFTI camp.

    ANyways, i tested the water using the API SALTWATER MASTER LIQUID test kit as recommended by Ah Heng from AquaMarin (bought quite a bit of stuff from him). the result are as follows (some results i'm not very sure because the guide isn't very accurate eg. i can't really differentiate between the colour cards)

    pH : 7.4 - 7.8

    Ammonia : 4.0

    Nitrate : 5.0 - 10

    Nitrite : 1.0 - 2.0

    Any comments?

  4. Bellinayu, Lemon Lemon, Ah Siang: thanks so much for the responsive reply guys. I'm currently serving NS (still a lousy cadet) so won't have much time to think about adding livestocks yet. which is why i intend to cycle the tank as much as possible until i get out of the course due to my flat feet which is hopefully very soon.

    In that case, which brand of sand would you guys recommend? I've visited several marine shops but mainly Aquamarin cause they seem to be rather popular.

    Onizuka : thanks for the heads up regarding the sale of the live sand but i don't think i want to wait any further if normal sand is sufficient enough. AFter all, got this good friday to spend on washing up the sand. Thanks again for the heads up but if i do change my mind, i'll send you a PM.

  5. Hey all.

    I just got myself a second hand RSM with the skimmer and the other equipments that come with it. Now all i need is to cycle the tank. Thing is, i understand that live sand is currently out of stock in Singapore which is why i'm having a bit of a dilemma right now. Got some questions which I hope you guys could help me out with

    i)I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the difference between normal sand and live sand apart from the fact that live sand has bacteria?

    ii) can the normal sand be used as a cycling agent like the live rocks?

    hope you guys can help me out.

    Thanks in advance.


  6. Hi there.

    I will be getting a second hand RSM 130 this coming saturday as my 1st salt water tank. However, one of the bulbs in the hood itself is spoiled along with the moonlight. I was wondering if anyone here would happen to know where i can find a replacement for them.

    Thanks in advance!

  7. checked with the aquamarin side but they don't carry the 28G version. Only up to the 24G. I think i'll have to delay my purchase even longer... just got my enlistment letter... 3rd December. no time to enjoy after exams which end on the 21st.

    Thanks for the reply guys. will probably head down to iwarna just in case.

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