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Everything posted by Tanggy

  1. I know you are trying to extend the contact time. but by putting the outlet at the bottom, you are actually shortening it. As the bubbles will get suck out by the output and fill your sump with lotsa microbubbles instead of rising to the top. So it wont work. The output to the sump is taken from the bottom to minimize the bubbled fill water from being sucked out.
  2. The more pumps the better. but you need to account for the power comsumption and what you willing to pay to run it cos there is another pump to pump the water in. I am using one pump to oump the water in with needlevalve in the input pump and the recirulating pump. the input outlet is face downwards to extend the contact time. Some of the bubbles will reach the inlet of the inlet pump and get recirculated into smaller bubbles. Whats your tank size??
  3. Your flow is wrong. the intake is at the bottom so your diagram wont work.
  4. Depends on the design of the cabinet. the front and back are kinda open. using mesh. and the back do not extend all the way to the wall. so air is taken in from the back and the fan exhaust face the front. so hot air is not recirculated . can work left and right also. Have a look at bro roidan 6ft. he usinf cabinet. exhaust is on the right of the cabinet. Yes if properly design.
  5. This is the first time I hear a nano thats 4ft!!! nano refers to tank thats under 20gallon. even your sump dont qualify as nano tank leh!
  6. Also went to Octopus bay. Also not much.... Anyone spotted any anywhere?? Dont tell me have to get all mushies meh??? but I will get som. not much mushroom in tank. Any suggestions??
  7. Very sianz!! went PR yesterday. No corals!! no hard corals!!! how to stock up!!
  8. Ai.... sianz. the naso died for no reason. not feeding. but no sign of disease. think due to poisoning when caught. Anyway. update of tank pics. diatoms are residing.
  9. Lets start foaming!! The bubbles shot when it has runned for 2hrs
  10. Sadly to say, the square skimmer has been taken off line as of 12midnight 18/02/04. Though it's life has been short ((1 week) But it has been meaningful. Many great men has said, Life does not need to be long but so long as life made a difference! It has given up its life for a greater caused and for a bigger purpose (bigger skimmer) so I salute you!! may you RIP!! ke ke
  11. Well. I was thinking of doing the needle wheel from scratch. The bio ball is too small for a bigger pump. Like what alvy said. Useless use more smaller pump instead of 1 bigger pump. hmm......
  12. Depends. lor. if you are not sure how to do it, I would be a bit hasitant bout trying it on an unsed eheim $200 pump. But I wouldnt mind doing it to a cheap 20-30 china pump.
  13. OIC. so how's it the skimmer so far??
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