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Everything posted by Joeteng

  1. For 250-500 liters Total watts: 9w Air intake : 320l/h Feed : 500l/hr Dimension: L 290 x W 217 xHt 565 Pump Aqua bee 2000l/hr
  2. Isopods? What is that? Will check it out!
  3. Found a site that show Japanese Borbonius selling at a fish market in australia. http://glassbox-design.com/2008/anthias-at-the-sea-food-market/
  4. 4ft. Till now I still cant figure out what happen. lose some precious fishes
  5. Cedric you are welcomed! Love to visit your house to see all those zoas again! My zoas are doing really well in my tank! Thankls for helping out and sharing your experience taking care of the zoas!
  6. The symptom kill almost 10 fishes. Now I left about 15 fishes.
  7. Cedric you make my saliva dripped again!
  8. At least now it is getting better. Fishes are now stable and no fishes die. Hopefully the rest not get infected.
  9. Any idea what kind of parasites? The belly is usually brown when they die.
  10. My nitrate is near zero. Not sure is it bcos my test kit expire. There is no expire date on the test kit. So I think it has no expired bah on this brand of test kit. I intro naturally seawater initially then recently switch back to me salt.
  11. Can my test kits really give me wrong measurement? Can test kits expired? My cycling period should be over Liao cos almost 6 weeks already.
  12. I recently did get some fishes but they are fine.
  13. All of those die with belly either red or brown. Any symptom of diseases?
  14. no way! It is like cancer and usually die suddenly even though they look healthy before they die
  15. Today one more casualty! U mean test kits will expire?
  16. Pm to u Liao! I guess it is cynide again!
  17. if our tanks can be like that it will make feeding so easy for those lower bottom fishes! Haha!
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