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Everything posted by tench1

  1. Nice tank you have there wilson!
  2. Finally, the acclimatisation of the blue LEDs are over. Gradually increasing the exposure time with 30 mins daily till 8 hrs of coverage. However, i discovered that with >8hrs of exposure, the LEDs are not able to withstand the heat created. Which resulted in the fusing of 3 pces of LEDs. Probably its due to the improper paste method that i had adopted. But i decided to fix the exposure time not more than 8hrs. Also, the white LEDS are finally up and running, aclimatising as im posting. Exposure of 1 hrs from 12noon to 1pm. Which im going to increase to 10am~6pm. So far so good. And now, the fans...
  3. Hi there, congrats to your first step in your new hobby. First and foremost, u need to learn to be patience. There's reason for certain steps and procedure. As you must had done some research from other threads, checking for leakage is very important. The most important step which one must conduct. What i would suggest, after filling up the tanks with water, and its leak free, you may start cycling the tank. This way, u are not wasting the water. Once again, welcome to the world of reefing hobby!
  4. Finally I understand the Aggressiveness of PBT. a survivig one indeed is a monster! I didn't heed Seet's advice with regards to PBT and Copperband. And today, I witness how a small copperband being chased and bashed up after only minutes entering the DT... There goes my effort of clearig those nuisance aptisia... This ordeal must had been truey stunting to yhe copperband, that I can effortlessly remove the stunted butterfly out of the DT using only a small sleeve! Now it's peacefully resting in the dark dark sump... Poor Cateye gobies...added 2 cuties, newly bought from CF... The smaller one became the new target after the dismissed of copperband. Now I can't locate the smaller gobies...while te bigger Cateye can be found hidden under the rocks... What a day of excitement. How am I going to solve this?
  5. The components inside my DIY set!
  6. I'm using it as supplement. Once I'm done with the fan Issue, will add another 15 white LEDs to my current 4 x T5.
  7. I'm using star led without lens. 3W. 15 pces In Total. Currently undergoing light acclimatization, increasing half hour daily from 7pm onwards.
  8. Thanks bro! LEDs definitely brings out the colors in the reefing environment. Even the most boring Zoas that I deem not interesting at all, shine light stars!
  9. Added a DIY LEDs Finally after sooo long. Only added the Blue leds. Fantastic coloring! Bring out the pinks/red/green/yellow! Here are some photos Mohawks and nuclear death! Watermelon! Color totally brought up from the blue leds!
  10. Left 1 x 2" frag available. SMS to cOllect.
  11. Update: 2 x Frags available. 1" - available 2" - available Interested SMS at 91276735 to deal. Collection at Clementi west.
  12. Seen the beautiful Bubbles personally! A worthwhile Gem to have! Dont miss this golden opportunity!
  13. Day41 Very strong and peaceful PBT i have! Though after introduction into MDT, ich and lumps appears...(this cant be prevented, as due to stress, the magnetic field got stronger..Arg) But, nevertheless, so long its feeding well, nothing should go wrong. Indeed, after 2 weeks of introduction, with increased feeding of Pellets/Mysis/Brine, its skinny frail body seems to have beefed up! Why peaceful? Well, comparing with YT, it indeed is the peace-loving-one. PBT had been constantly targeted by the smaller tang. The conflict had been greatly reduced. I can conclude that Tangs are more forgiving than Anthias family! Why am i saying that? Comparing the aggression of the BEA, YT's aggression is nothing! Till date, the survivor RA had been constantly being targeted by the dominating male-to-be BEA. Is 3FT tank size too small for 3 anthias? i doubt so.. I had seen tanks of my size holding much more numbers of Anthias. Hence, i can conclude that Tang genus are more forgiving/forgetfull comparing to anthias.
  14. Hi there, accidentally broke a frag. Hence 1 X 2" frag available. Price as per post#1.
  15. PBT doing very well! Haha so happy. However, not so good for Randall Anthias...one become food for brittle star...after being trashed up by the dominated blue eyed anthias... Haiz... Hopefully the remaining one can survive...
  16. Lolz it's been with me for months! Didn't expect this to happen as well. Must had been the fights with the blue eyed.
  17. Bro Wilson, Nice designed tank! I like your over+under flow concept most! Well done! Keep the pictures coming!
  18. Mike, its hard to take a good pic of an Anthias, as they normally dont keep still. But i do have one shot that i had taken yesterday morning of my Evansi Anthias.
  19. Day 28. I finally find the courage to introduce PBT into MDT.. Did it during my WC routine, as its the best possible way of catching the fishes. Why fishes? Introduction also include the Randel Anthias pair. Catching the anthias was easy feat...However, if one were to use fish net, the higher the chance of having the fish mouth hooked to the net. The separation process was terrifying.. Had to run to get a sissor to cut off the net. Argh! Lesson learnt: Never use net for catching ANTHIAS! For the PBT, i used a container big enough to house it. And within a few minutes, its in the MDT. Currently, there's lotsa chasing and terriorial challenging going on. YT, slightly 3/4 PBT size, is the bigger fish who is the KING of the MDT! In the other side of the tank, Blue Eye Anthias, have no problem showing who's KING ANTHIAS! (Both RA is hidding in the corners) Luckily, all managed to eat some of the mysis that were fed!
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