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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. Don't be dis-hearten everyone knows it not easy to maintain a marine tank initially.....

    but after mnths of stability it more or less like maintainace free.... somehow or rather depend on what u going to achieve and want

    A lot of us who reef more than 1yr knows this well....... If you felt cost is a matter try to keep it simple first like me Now no time to maintain so for my six footer is an FOWLR..

    With that it like low maintainace cost top up with Di water only wkly with water parameter PO4 zero NO3 Zero PH 8.23-8.31

    I clean my algae scrubber every 4 wks


    12 cromis

    8 damsel

    2 gorby

    1 flame hark

    1 clown

    1 tang

    5 cardinal

    1 midas

    unknown number of turbo snail keep on breeding

    2 wrasse

  2. kawa is a good source for CA so there you coraline algae will glow... do not over dose as it'll cause spike in CA

    nvr the less you also need min requirer light source.... T5 will do the trick already

    and you need to seed it with some coraline as well if you don't...

    Do maintain as low PO4 as possible to have a good growth

  3. If you're for start i advise you to let it run the full cycle before do the dose... Unless after about 3wks you still getting sky high ammonia

    think about it on the market indeed there's a lot more product that said start up a tank in two days, yes indeed it control the initial bio system but in terms of long term goal with lesser cost it still nature that counts

    If you indeed need to start up fast yes do dose to control the ammonia spike and also dose the bacteria regularly, as any one point it drop or rise it cause your tank to crash easily.

    by maintaining the PH and KH also another challenge cause it'll up, down a lot during the state of start up of new tank.....

  4. OK i'm not an expert of A/C but for the operation and system of component works i know some basic.

    1.) An normal expansion valve even for car air-conditioning are the same, like wise they have a temperature sensing bulb that will automatically control

    the valve or gas that flow to the coil.

    2.) An expansion valve needed is to let the gas from liquid state in high pressure to have a gas form in low pressure to create a chemist reaction

    3.) It also preventing the coil from freezing into ice cube, as such once you face valve block this will happen..

    What barraCuda said make sense it control the high pressure to the coil and not direct temp control.. at any point that's for mostly freezer usage and not our a/c nor chiller

    Why do you not allowing compressor to cut off?? by doing this it'll not save the working of compressor and save your pocket??

    and most of all it produce more heat to ur ambient


    Agree with you bro... but if he can have ventilation for it he won't have the problem for that

    however he do need to hook it up above the sump area

  6. bro wat u looking at ??? 3w and 30w all are the same and can be fitted into maxspect but just the temp is different

    From yellowish white (lower) to pure White (higher)

    if you want a brighter white than take the high temp one mostly our maxspect came with just 6000k to 7000k only

    i've change my previous set to 9000k and the blue also change to 465-470nm

    as for the 30w also i got the 9000k and change

    The configuration for blue i also cut down and fix white instead

  7. LEDS

    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4C04 (Blue)___________________26__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________120_________60 degree_________________Cross

    NG-P005L4U18 (WHITE)_________________120_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    NG-P005L4D11 (Blue)____________________60_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    Thermal paste tube 5g less than $2/- to confirm once order from supplier

    1) Stevenkoh08-12pcs

    Driver cost depend on what you order and want

    1) 2.5a 60 w china brand----14pcs cost around $35-40/pc

    2) 680ma drive 5-7 3w led S$12.50 qty 2---------parc53

    3) 670ma drive 7-12 3w led S$18.20 qty 2--------parc53

  8. anyone also interested in heatsink plaster for paste led to aluminium plate if able to order more than 30 pcs each cost less than S$2.00

    it a size of mini toothpaste tube

    able to use up to paste 36pcs 3w led but take note it depend on the amount use per led..

    It've to be use once open or else after a day it become harden like cement

    i myself will take 12 tube


    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4C04 (Blue)___________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________120_________60 degree_________________Cross

    NG-P005L4U18 (WHITE)_________________120_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    NG-P005L4D11 (Blue)____________________60_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    Thermal paste tube

    1) Stevenkoh08-12pcs

    Driver cost depend on what you order and want

    2.5a 60 w china brand----14pcs cost around $35-40/pc

  9. NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4C04 (Blue)___________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________120_________60 degree_________________Cross

    NG-P005L4U18 (WHITE)_________________120_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    NG-P005L4D11 (Blue)____________________60_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    anymore bro want it cause i'won't be ordering so soon after this only after i done up a big set of 5w

  10. NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4C04 (Blue)___________________20__________60 degree_________________parc53

    NG-P003L4U13 (WHITE)_________________120_________60 degree_________________Cross

    NG-P005L4U18 (WHITE)_________________110_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

    NG-P005L4D11 (Blue)____________________60_________140 degree________________Stevenkoh08

  11. yupp noted bro i will surely have wavemaker just want to know what turnover form maintank>overflow>sump>maintank best turnover is how much^^ As you told me my overflow can handle 9000L/H le ma so wondering if its enough lo^^

    as bro limsc spoken is the amount of flow but if go up to 20x is the most optimum which u should achive after adding the other pump

    and connected to ur chiller

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