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Everything posted by TTBoy

  1. Oops. sorry. Forgot to resize
  2. anyone wants this durain coral? Need to make way for other corals
  3. Just curious, isnt Cipro used for anthrax?
  4. U have to look around for the DVD set. They didnt carry that much stock in singapore so it may be a bit harder to find.
  5. Errr...not sure. The whole series abt 8 hrs long, so i cant remember all the scenes.
  6. Dont worry valleyman, mine is the same it shld be the newer model
  7. Never see this in any LFS huh. Must be one of those impossible to keep species?
  8. Nice! So AT, we shld do a nite dive there and ..........heh heh.....
  9. no prob. its been sitting there collecting dust and thought i might as well sell it.
  10. OK. will sell for $35. I think they are still selling it at Kino, Taka.
  11. Heh heh...that depends... u got any acros? The episode on coral sea is really good. shows how acros grow.
  12. Hi all, am selling my "The Blue Planet" VCD set. Original. Comes in a box with 9 VCDs. Produced by BBC. Its one of the best marine life shows ever produced. Am selling it cause i upgraded to the DVD set.
  13. Actually this is the back of my fish tank... j/k This shld be Tioman.
  14. Hmmm...who does this remind u of?
  15. not many german coys huh <_
  16. Hi Valleyman, Hows the ehiem pump? working properly? my ele ear also shrinks completely, but usually at night. maybe if u can post a pic of it we can see whats wrong.
  17. Am trying to find someone going HK also if not, got to order from the US. Prices almost the same but shipping cost will be more
  18. How big is your tank? Abt 400L? How often do u add the deniballs? Thanks.
  19. yah..mine poops a lot but eats so little green algae
  20. Let me know if u need me to hook u up with a dive shop. BTW, week of Feb 15/16 is fully booked already. Got some space for feb 22/23.
  21. Nope. Not a Sohal Tang. Sohals have blue and white stripes. Havent seen this one before though.
  22. OK i guess. But it disappears once in a while.
  23. Hi Cedric, Did u get the aquamedic 1000L or the 5000L denitrator. Am thinking of getting it in HK.
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