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Posts posted by Benz...

  1. Date: Friday, November 28, 2003

    Time: 12:00 pm to 1:00pm

    Place: Centrepoint, McDonalds (Outdoor section)

    1. choobaba

    2. JooLye

    3. NgaoCi

    4. Bwilly

    5. Don.

    6. YUKON

    (collection by bwilly, and for that, i owe him a prata lunch!) haha!

    7. FuEl (bwilly:you still have the gonio? if so can bring tomorrow).

    Erm...I'm abit swua gu..but where is centrepoint?

    Ocean Planet (thomas)

    1) bum

    MarineLife ( Henry )

    1) Seahorse & seahorse2 ( will pass u the additional $12 )

    2) hoppinghippos

    3) Benz... (me a bit blur... what time to pick up or own time own target?? and also starting from when huh??? :thanks: )

  2. then what happens when the shark eats us when we surfin huh??? they take one of us and we take one of them lor... :rolleyes:

    but seriously... dont think it is something that we can stop as it is traditionally a chinese dish and is always offered in any banquet dinner....

  3. Must mention the tank at CK Tang at the La Mer counter...they are ever revolving...there was once I saw a moorish in there... :yeah:

    They really pay a bomb for the maintenance...the stuff looks as if always in tiptop but then again... :rolleyes:

    Plus the fact that one bottle of 'smuck' from there cost easily a few hundred dollars and so called developed by a scientist with the assistance of astronauts... :)

    couldn't even afford to buy a small bottle of their products... :(

    tell me abt it... pocket still smartin now... :(:(:(

    other half just went on a spree there today.. bought the eye cream as well as the creme de la mer.. some more medium size one... piangz.. only two small bottle cost me more than 600.... :pinch::pinch: ouch.... dunno whether to cry or to strangle her sometimes... but then again.. it a girls thing hor...

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