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Posts posted by enseng

  1. just make sure nothing irritates it too much. esp clowns.

    to check if its dying. Just try to disturb it with ur hands and if its hell of a sticky then its healthy.

    anemones loses their stickyness esp on the foot when dying. dont try on the tentecles when its in this stage. 100% not sticky to us.

    Hi bros,

    It doesn't open as big as previously but it is still eating. Whenever I feed it with Henry food or brine shrimp, it will still grab.

    From the way I look at it, its foot still attached firmly (didn't touch it though) to the rocks. It is just that it doesn't open very big, on and off closed up, and the frequency of close up is increasing.

    My clown seldom play with it now, only when the light is off then the clown will just sleep inside.

    Is it dying or sick?

  2. Erm...need to clarify a bit on the pricing, Debbie (maker) quoted me $115 for 10 sets MOQ, but need to bring drawing for confirmation as she said she can't reuse the 1st order drawing unless it is ordered by the originator (Bro Gondoo). Later on, due to different length requirement, she quote $130 for MOQ 5sets each.

    Bro Goondo, can help to confirm on the price and MOQ?

    Since bro goondo agrees to do the coordination, we will use his design and drawing, the length will be fixed at 2ft. Below are the list (Closed by 30/7):

    1. yptay (pls double confirm your order)

    2. eniram

    3. fatbike (pls double confirm your order)

    4. nik1805 (pls double confirm your order)

    Sorry guys, I opt out as I just got myself a set from a bro who purchased it at previous order. However, if you short of one to make up the number then I can buy first then see if got anyone interested to buy from me in future. :lol:

    Quickly make up your mind as this will be the last order, individual order at future will cost at $190/set.


    As for the Aquazonic 2ft 24W lighting set, I got mine from 328 clementi, at $42. I can check with the shop on the bulk purchase price again. Anywhere can get it at a cheaper rate? I know that AM has no stock at the moment.

    Light set order list:

    1. ambystoma82 x 2sets


    As for the PVC pipes and connector, will check it out at the shop beside ying kwang as mentioned by bro Gondoo.

  3. Hi bro gondoo,

    Yes, e price is quoted as $115 based on the drawing from santa Monica. Did u modify a lot from it? As mentioned by e maker, I can't use ur drawing as this is their policy not to reuse customer drawing unless it is ordered by the orgininator. See below from their reply,can help on this? :thanks:

    "It will be at $115 each for 10 pcs not $100.

    For the drawing, I will not be able to use for your order as it belongs to another customer.

    Our company will not release/ reuse the drawing of my customers unless it's ordered by the same person.

    Thus if you would like to confirm, I would require you to bring down your set of drawing and specs.


    Thank you for your attention & kind understanding."

    As for e different sizes, they will charge higher price so I think it'd better we stick to the 2ft length. See below for e reply.

    "If you would like to have 2 different lengths, it possible but there will be a price adjustment.

    If based on MOQ of 5 each for different length, the price will be @ $130 each.

    Hope the above clarifies. Thank you!"

    I have a lots of algae, that's why need this algae scrubber :lol:

  4. Hi to all bro i heard that someone went down and argue with the shop for the price?

    as stated it's what he can offer us at a start but not for present..

    as i input in the thread is base on trust and not for it to be argue with the price with the shop

    what he may quote now is up to the shop, so if price not right u can look forward for another shop :ThanxSmiley:

    Not here to spoil the thread but just to not spoil the initial guy who've make it

    If really need help we can help to chip in, So I've remove the invoice from the thread that I've started


    huh? is it? when was it? before this thread started? I am actually thinking to go down this saturday to confirm the design as I might want to ask them to start 1 pcs 1st for myself...of coz for the 1st pcs, they charge $190...

    So if I manage to get another 9 pcs, they will rebate and charge $115/set. If the deal does not go as plan then i have to get it at $190...

    Ok, I summarize the order (2ft unless otherwise stated):

    1. enseng

    2. yptay

    3. eniram (1.5ft, need to check with maker whether they willing to do it or not)

    4. fatbike (1.5ft, need to check with maker whether they willing to do it or not)

    5. nik1805

  5. funny u mean as what is qoute that i've got??

    mmm why can't they use back the same drawing?

    reason given unless there's someone make it his own

    bro u may wanna chk out some other place as well to see whether others can give u a qoute

    by the way u need to inform it must be water proof

    i'll help to chk out others shop see what price they can give

    for what i know ying kwang is one of the most cheapest with good service

    all the best for this bulk ordering there should me alot of reefer interested in this

    yup.....i m puzzling y can't use back the same design also ....they also increase the price and MOQ...

    Btw, where can i find the union and pvc pipes? Is there any shop in west selling at these that suit our requirements?

  6. Hi all,

    Please see below for the reply from maker. There is a change in price. They are charging $115/set with moq of 10sets. Please see if u r still interested. Btw, the light can be purchased from clementi block 328.. The freshwater fish shop..


    It will be at $115 each for 10 pcs not $100.

    For the drawing, I will not be able to use for your order as it belongs to another customer.

    Our company will not release/ reuse the drawing of my customers unless it's ordered by the same person.

    Thus if you would like to confirm, I would require you to bring down your set of drawing and specs.


    Thank you for your attention & kind understanding.



    Debbie Chen

    Ying Kwang Acrylic Trading

    48 Toh Guan Road East

    #01-136 Enterprise Hub

    Singapore 608586

    Tel: 6274 1088    Fax: 6515 9093

    Email: debbie@yingkwang.com

    Website: www.yingkwang.com

  7. Hi all,

    I have contacted the acrylic scrubber maker for the previous build. They quote $100 for the MOQ of 10pcs. Anyone interested to join order?

    Please see below link for the information (from bro Goondoo):


    As for the light set, we can get it from Aquamarin (but currently no stock):


    Anyone knows where else can get the Aquazonic T5 high output light set 2 x 24W?

  8. Hi my rose anemone isn't look good these few days...attached is the picture of it with the gaping mouth..there is a seaweedlike stuff coming out from its mouth. was it its poo or something else?

    My true clown and yellow tang seems like enjoy eating it...

    post-15988-091022800 1279201033_thumb.jp

  9. I put all my DSB in my 3 tanks (2 four footer each 200 ltrs & 1 six footer 1,000 ltrs in the main tank with good circulation & not in the sump. No NO3 anymore as rid off by anaerobic bacteria but PO4 remains which causes brown algae growing on side glass also happily eaten by a hard working algae blenny in each tank. So now i also started growing Chaeto to absorb the PO4. Only power consumption required by chaeto is reasonable lighting control by a timer & nutrients. DSB is natural no pumps & lighting to work with so convenient to install just dump correct amount of zero grade coral sand in the main tank with good circulation. My 6 footer DSB is 6 inches depth & other two 4 footer is 4 inches depth.

    Hi angel fish,

    Do you mind taking a photo on the setup of your Chaeto system? Do you grow it at the refugium?

  10. So it is good to observe the cloudiness after dosing bacteria as it is activated?

    The cloudy water is waste water? my water is getting clear but still abit cloudy...my skimmer is the cheapo type...can it be compensate using algae scrubber?

  11. Hi all,

    Will Biopellet make the water become very cloudly? I have shifted my Biopellet from 1st compartment of the sump to the Skimz FM100 fluid reactor, input pump at 550L/H max and dose bacteria yesterday.

    12 hours later, the water still clear but it become very cloudly this morning. Is it because the flow rate of the pump is too high or bacteria activation which cause the water to become cloudly?

    Need advice pls... :ThanxSmiley:

  12. +1....this is right

    May I advice you, IMHE for keeping my 4 footers last time my problem of untrollable nitrate level(never go below 50ppm) is nothing else but coral chips. They are good for start up to colonise and culturing bacteria for salt water aquarium. After 6 mnths it will saturated and will not consume any more nitrate for feeding and yet it produce and release them. When time gone by you will see they keep on producing this nitrate. It will be counter productive even you have bio pellet and frequent water change WC.

    So you must remove them BUT SLOWLY to prevent shock in your tank system. Advice 1-2 handfull per week untill the coral chips clear. This is to make your other colonising bacteria either in the rock, sand and surfaces of you tanks to adapt with the change (infact by now 6 mnth they are enough to help in your system). Bio pellet is a new set of bacteria system and also a food to feed them and other bacteria surrounding.

    Coral chips are porous and oxygen can pass through (aerobic either nitrify) but DSB (deep sand bed) 4inches at least do have aerobic and anerobic (denitrify) will help your system.

    Good luck and happy reefing!

    Ok, thanks!...will start removing partial of coral chips from my tank during water change this wkend...hopefully can dilute the Nitrate level..I suspect there is a problem with the DI resin that i bought, just open a new one...the TDS meter reading show 50+ PPM or maybe my TDS meter got problem..will get a new one and check again :ThanxSmiley:...

    Meanwhile i will purchase distilled water for my water change...any good brand to recommend? Intend the change around 20% to 30% so will need a lot of water.. :ThanxSmiley:

  13. DSB does do help abit on it but for ur level is already too high maybe do water change first to dilute it, and than think of what u going to do next

    1. chemical solution

    2. FR media

    3. Algea scrubber

    but pls remove ur coral chip

    Eh..sorry what does the DSB mean?yup I will do a water change.thinking to go ntuc to buy the distilled water for salt mixing.

    Consider to replace my SORB-4 resin inside the FR with biopellet.

    You were saying remove all the coral chips?I have a few questions:

    1. Reckon that it will remove the nitrate source but it will also remove bacteria which are reside on it also right? Does it mean that my system will start over again?

    2. By removing the coral chips,will my current LS and corals be interrupted?

    3. After removing all the corals chips I will have a bare sump except carbon and biopellet resin. Is it good enough to build the bacteria?

    Would like to hear more advice before I act..thanks for all e advice!

  14. You cannot solve the problem with the same thinking when you create the problems in the 1st place. Nitrate are not like detritus that can settle down after a while. It had mixed into the water column when you add the new saltwater to your setup. Once mixed into the water column, it stay there as one of the parameter of the water column. What you need to do is to do another water change to dilute that nitrate solution to a lower level or use fresh carbon and change weekly in the hope that the nitrate is removed. Skimming will not remove nitrate.

    Got it bro, thanks for the advice...but i always heard ppl say that got to let the Nitrate to settle down to the bottom, and do not disturb the sand as it contains "sank" Nitrate..

    I will do another water change in this coming weekend and see whether the Nitrate level will drop or not..by the way, will the carbon remove Nitrate as well?

  15. Ops....juz did a check on Nitrate.. its still the same, as high as yesterday..maybe more than 80PPM..

    so if it is really the case that the nitrate on coral chips have been released to back during water change, by now it should settle down already right (after 24 hrs)???.so why Nitrate level shoot up after water changed? :(

    I have been using Biopellet for 3 weeks, at 1st i placed it at the 1st compartment but not directly under the water return pipe...

    feel that there is no much effect so i shift it to directly under the water return pipe yesterday..

    Do u guys think i shd run it with FR (currently ocuppied by the SORB-4 phosphate remover resin)..I am using Goodbye PO4 as well...Is Goodbye PO4 very efficient? I just started using it 2 weeks ago...

    Thinking whether i shd purchase distilled water for 20% water change coming week to see whether there is any effect on the Nitrate or not..

  16. Hi all,

    It is a known fact that water change will bring down the Nitrate level. However, my water change actually increases the Nitrate level. Today I measure my tank Nitrate level (~40PPM) before water change. I measure again a few hrs after water change. The Nitrate level shoot up to around 80PPM!! Wondering what went wrong???

    I use filter tap water (with Crystal pro, after filter TDS meter read ard 60) mixed with Marine Enviroment salt. After mixing, the Nitrate level read 0PPM (Using API Nitrate test kit).

    I siphon out the 20% water from the sump tank and replace with the mixed salt water. Is there anything wrong with the water change procedure? Anyone can share the experience?


  17. Hi, would like to give away this Seabae Clownfish, has been with me for a few months..cute and heathly, reason is it bullied my percula clown. Collection at near Pioneer mrt. Pls sms at 96649868 if interested. Collection to be from next monday onwards.



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