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Posts posted by scandics11

  1. very nice tank there bro....so happy to see the fishes again...i know that they will be well treated in your tank....cheers n reef on bro...

    Thanks Bro.. Could not have done it without you... (kena poisoned) LOL!!!!

    Wish you were still reefing...... Anyway the door is also open for a second time...Haha..

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you only....

  2. This is a good references for me as well, since i am intending to have a similar 6 footer as well for my new place soon.. :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

    However, i feel AB6000 may not be enough as the main return, you may need a 10,000 litre flow/hr at least.. further more, IMO i feel smaller version of the AquaBee pump like the 2000, 3000 and 2000i ect work better but for the larger series, the performance is not as good as compare to other brands as the performance seem to drop very quickly..

    Show some photos of your sump setup as well lah... :ooh:

    can PM me the contact for the tank maker and the cost ?

    Hey Boss,

    Been busy.... I will post some photos of my sump soon.... And update on my equipments also soon....

  3. honestly, you could have just replied the sms i sent to you, waited for you so long. haiz. now item sold. sad

    Agree with you... Smsed him more than ten times even spoke to him over the phone... he asked me to call him back which i did, and was not answered and did not have the courtesy to return my call..... He could have been more prudent when dealing...Anyway it's his choice....what can I say...wishing him the best of Luck.

  4. Why dont list some of the equipment you use ?

    Hey Boss....

    My current tank spec & equipments are listed as below:

    Tank Info

    Main Tank: 72†x 27†x 30â€

    Sump Tank: 48†x 18†x 18â€


    Return Pump: 1 x AB 6000

    Lighting: DIY 72†3 x MH 250w, DIY T5 2 x 54W ATI Blue Plus

    Wavemaker: 2 x Tunze 6101 with Multi-controller 7095 & 1 x Tunze 6060.

    Skimmer: 1 x Skimz Monzter SM 250 C/W 2 x AB 5000 Needle Wheel & 1x AB 2000 Feed Pump.

    FR: 1 x Skimz FM 150 Fluidized Reactor with Rowaphos

    Ozonizer: 1 x Sander C200

    Monitor: 1 x Aquatronica ACS Advance Package

    Tank Running from June 2009

    Getting Soon List:

    4 x 80w DIY T5 to replace the current T5s

    Calcium Reactor to enhance coral growth

    De-nitrator to curb the nitrate levels

    Second return pump to increase/ better the flow..

    Appreciate your pointers/ comments or recommendations if any....Please feel free... Thanks

  5. Hi Bro, impressive tank you have. Hope you are not using C200 to its max, if yes, you will have to check your ORP and whether your skimmer can take it. I believe your setup was done by professional. For the UV, maybe you got to buy from corallife.....12x...36w....treating up to 300 gallons.....do share how you can introduce power series tangs into your existing tank......wanting to introduce them but my sohal will stress them to death....and cos ich outbreak at times....

    nice orange shoulder.....will get mine from CF once my new tank is ready....lol....nice fish but size is one limiting factor.....but think this doesnt apply to you cos of 6 ft tank...impressive...hehe

    Thanks for the comment.. currently using C-200 to its half pointer..... My ORP readings are around 250...and i'm currently using Skimz Monzter SM 250..... The tank was built by a pro I guess but the set-up was on my own, acquiring pointers from fellow reefers and read ups through the net. Hmm coralife 36w.... i 'll give it a try.....

    As the introduction of fishes..Through proper planning and decision of the tpye of fishes i wanted to keep....

    My existing fishes(from old tank) and newly acquired (especially aggressive species) were introduced together at the same time into the tank(Do take note that I have a second six footer currently a FLWR) Shifted all the corals into the new tank.

    As for orange shoulder, have found her to less aggressive and of course I am constantly monitoring of the tank situation. They do fight sometimes but there is ample space for them to escape from each other being in a six footer.....

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