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Posts posted by alanseah

  1. haiyo..

    u going to stress the fish and u going to take longer for the cycling....

    u can add shrimp but not fish wa...

    somemore yours only 1 ft... very challeging tasks...

    for your case u do need to have a water change twice every month to manage the tank.. just a 10% water change will do...

    r u going to keep coral..??

    dont add too many fish and coral or else your 1 ft sure crash one...

  2. i put my 4 feet in my room too..

    ok leh it's going to 3 yrs already.. and I'm getting married soon.. so have to move it out to living room soon...

    how i will miss laying in bed looking at my fish tank.. or busy with work and then turn my head can see my tank and relax my mind.. before i start designing/solving program again...

  3. it's common for all shrimp..

    nothing too special about it..

    dont worry...

    my cleaner and boxer moult almost every now and then...

    but look out for your boxer as it will eat anything smaller it's size.. it even eat cleaner shrimp too.. or even small fish it can catch..

    but it's very gd for controlling/killing crab and worm in your tank..

  4. hmm ok..

    for me i brought 2 calcium plus and 2 kalkwasser for stock up..

    been start using the calcium plus and kalkwasser...

    thinking of buying another 1 more calcium plus and kalkwasser to stock up.. lolz..

    since next yr going for a new tank..

    O ya one thing... the cabinet also from the same tank maker huh...??

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