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Everything posted by qianjun

  1. Selling at $30. Starting to eat his tank mates and color start to blend with my rocks.... Haha. Collect at Geylang bahru.
  2. Selling 1 NTUC bag full of dead rocks for $20. Collect at Geylang bahru or Clementi.
  3. Clearing at $80. Collect at Geylang bahru or Clementi.
  4. Change in parameters can cause heads to die off. Mine initially stayed close for weeks but still grow new heads.
  5. Your sun is still alive. When the heads start to die the meat will just dissolve leaving the white skeleton. Leave it in a peaceful area near medium flow. Then feed your fish n corals with tasty food like roids, Henry, etc. Give it a few days to open, it can last for weeks without opening up. But once it start to open, faster target feed and they still get bigger.
  6. Ozonizer collected. Left big corner station for $10 and small corner station for $5. Both brand new.
  7. Selling sun sun jup22 uvc for $30. 9w uv with controllable flow. Used for 3 months. Collect at Geylang bahru or Clementi.
  8. 1. Used sander c50 ozonizer with diy drying agent for $60. (Still running at the moment) 2. 1* New corner frag station 6*6 inch $10 3. 1* New corner frag station 4*4 inch $5 Collect at Clementi or Geylang bahru. 98241738.
  9. 1.018 is no issue for fish. Most likely is the acclimatization process, pH n temp change.
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