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Posts posted by rikkuzx

  1. hello all, have some enquires here. i have this particular snail (i have attach the photo below) which i believe is a hitchhiker from the liverock. it has doing a good job in cleaning my tank off diatoms and whatever algae from the glass (i know this because my tank only start to be crystal clear after this snail start to increase their population). i would like to ask whether this snail will pose any risk if their population keep increasing? currently i have more than 10 of them in my tank now. thanks. :)


  2. hello all, saw a bristle worm in my liverock so i would like to know whether does it pose any threats? also, i happen to see it because my royal gramma was happily gobbling it down which i made it spit out cause the worm seems to be just fitting to its mouth, probably big enough to choke the fish. thanks. :)

  3. hi all, thanks for your replies.


    im using overhead filter and another submersible filter in substitute for the wavemaker (my fishes are already swaying around only on this filter :P ). btw the bio rings are inside the tank.


    just keeping fishes, had a nightmare from the corals which crashed my tank. i dont think my snail is a cowrie. my mum just got it from sheng shiong cause she find it beautiful. :D


    erm, not eheim filter. just an overhead filter and a submersible filter. btw the kfc container holds a crab i got from the live rock and the plastic tank besides it is another crab. the other stuffs are just for wiping water cause i like to adjust something a few times a day.

    my light is just a 8w desktop fluorescent light . i dont think i need much light since i intend to just keep fishes. or is it not sufficient? :unsure:

  4. hello all. have a pail of live rock for sale. gotten too much for my tank and realize that i cant fit in that many. have a extra pail of live rock for sale at $18.

    collection at pasir ris dr 4. contact at 91347355. thanks. :)





    in a 1.5ft tank.

    note: water is cloudy cause i didnt let the water to settle down before i took the photo.

  5. hello all, need some recommendations for cleaning crews (esp for the sand) which is suitable for my tank. currently, it has a pair of seahorses, 3 damsels (domino spots, yellow tail, blue) and 1 clown. need to know which one that will not be bully by my damsels, esp the domino spots damsel. :( was thinking of sea hares but would like to know the suitability. my tank is currently using a hang on filter with low flow rate due to the seahorses that i have. also, would like to keep some shrimps as well. thanks. :upsidedown:

  6. hello, need some help on the clownfish. got an anemone and a pair of clownfish about 2-3 days ago but found one of the clownfish dead today. the other inhabitants in the tank are a zebra blenny and a flower crab. anyone could advise me on the possible causes of its death? thanks.

  7. crabs usually eat left overs or dead organisms or dead tissues, they are scavengers basically...dun think they are attacking yr BTA.

    the only menance they posed is sometimes, in search of food, they will shift my corals or topple them...my crabs can topple my big prata and carry my colony of candy cane to do weight lifting.

    but i leave them alone coz they helped to clear left over food like mysis and prawn meat, that gets float away.

    hello, thanks for your reply. guess the crab is a good thing then. dont think my crab can carry the anemone since the anemone is more than 10 times its size.

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