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Posts posted by DUCADOS

  1. Thanks, maybe will abort the idea as it can't go with other ls

    Good! And glad to hear this from u because as a reefer we need to be responsible to the livestock we keep...

    It's a life after all... Make sure we know what LS we gonna keep n wether r they suitable before we buy and not just buy because we like it...

    :) upz for u!

  2. U can keep frogfish with any livestock u like but note, the livestock size must definitely be bigger than the mouth of your frog fish else your livestock will become your frogfish food.

    And yes... U can feed them with those shrimp u buy in LFS. 1 bag 2 dollar!

    Cut market prawn also recommended

  3. One choice is Kwong Ling at Kelantan Rd. Bring along your detail drawing. If you plan to drill hole in your sump, bring along the pipe fitting to ensure hole is the right size.

    wow... eventually u also find that shop good...

    haha. Glad i didn't recommend u the wrong shop.

    the uncle very friendly right?

    price is good somemore

  4. before u buy, do read up more about it because a lot just buy due to like it, nice or etc...

    never really go understand about them, knowing whether r they competable to other livestock hence causing other livestock being wack n eaten up.

    end day 1 life is cause...

    To us they r just our pet but to them we r their everything...

    Happy reefing!

  5. hi, i hv not much success in keeping corals but like to hv a reef-live environment for the fishes.

    wonder where to get artificial corals that looks like those from instant-reef.com


    they don't seem to ship to singapore.

    i seriously think u should try to find out what's the cause of it that u failed in keeping them.

    then from there improved your knowledge n 1 day u will succeed.

    keeping fake coral dun have the kick bro...

    defeat the purpose of reefing... :)

  6. hi,

    anyone can tell me where can i buy a 1.5cube tank with sump cabinet or iOS tank with cabinet? :ThanxSmiley:

    Nano tank with cabinet n sump ah???

    i dun see any of them around...

    i think u got to custom make them.

    maybe reason due to its nano hence putting anywhere isn't any issue that's y u dun c any cabinet cater for it.

    hope my explaination helps.

  7. so long its a crab,they'll have the tendency to kill anything they can when they want.

    i used to kept 1 for quite sometime. saw it attacking my naso tang several times but always failed.

    so i tot it's ok to leave it there.

    few months later it succeeded... There goes my naso tang.

    i dun keep any form of crab ever after coz i feel they r crap! buy cheap but they kill my expensive!

  8. hi guys, im new here.. can someone recommend me a gd mini chiller? i just setup this 1 ft tank at home few days ago and the temp is 33 deg!!

    fan is good but the dehydration of water will be pretty fast...

    positioning of your tank also does affect the temp of the water. (try placing it at least 3-4inches away from the wall)

    make sure there's allowance for ventilation around your tank.

    a good and reliable brand will be arctica!!!

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