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Posts posted by malmah

  1. Hi Bro and Sis,

    Started a FOWLR Nano with Tank as follows:

    Tank - 36 x 30 x 30 cm.

    filter - Ehime 2213 connected to Under Gravel

    Cooling - by 2 Fans able to bring to 26 Deg C

    Light - Simple LED with 4 Watts

    Top Up Water - using Smart ATO , approx 700 ml per day. Top Up Tank of capacity 4 Ltrs.

    The tank had cycled for 23 days and is accommodate all small Benny fishes and One Singapore Angel.

    Thks n rgds.





  2. Maybe you can share with us how you conquer the algae issue?u

    to: Mr Vincc

    In fact< i did not fully elimated the Algaes issue. Initially, almost every 2 days the Algae had fully grown on the 4 Panel Glass (almost 60%). After I change the LED Light from 110w to 60w and daily dose of either Goodby PO4 and Redsea No3:PO4-X, atleast, now every week about 5 to 10 % of the 4 four been covered with Algae.



  3. Your tank has improved Mal. :welldone:

    BTW, I noticed you've also replaced your LED?

    To: Mr Tunicate

    Thanks for the compliment.

    Yes, I had changed the LED Light from 110W to 60W. Believe this is one of the Reason the Algae had reduced.



  4. To: All Bros and Sis

    after almost One year of struggled to rectify the Algae issue and studied from this forum, atleast now slightly better (rather than every 2 to 3 days cleaning of algaes)

    Almost give up during the progress to control the algaes issue, however, everytime log in the forum and seen Bros/Sis in here thier succeed, it had inspired me to carry on.

    Thanks. And here my Tank.




  5. yes bro i understand that arctica is good but i think its a bit off my budget i looking for one bolow 200 :)

    Good Day Mr Harman,

    I had one Hailea HC 100 (1/20Hp) used Chiller. If you don't mind, you can have it FOC.

    I had used it for my Freshwater Shrimp for almost 2 years. Is working Fine, except it a bit Noisy when the Compressor Run.

    I stay in Taman Jurong. Call me if you want.



    (H/P: 97360207)

  6. Dear bros and sis out there, encountered issue with my arctica 1/15 chiller. The fan or compressor doesn't start after a few round of cooling. The cooling light will light up but fan or compressor don't start. Must off everything and on back to restart the cooling. Tried using external thermostat and same problem. Any technical ppl or reefer experienced the same problem and able to identify the reason? Warranty over. Advance thanks. .

    Good Am Mr Solo77,

    I had this problem before with my Arctica 1/15 Chiller, And the Rep Technician for Arctica is Mr Lai Xing (H/p: 93680559). And the Control Panel was changed.



  7. Good Day Gentleman and Ladies,

    After 3 weeks of Cycling and Tunning. Finally my Simple Tank is ready to receive LS.

    Attached some Simple Photos (I apologise of the Poor Image):

    For sure, there's still a lot of things to be done and rectify. And sure need All Experts and Seniors in this Forum to Enlighten me.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.







  8. Hi all,

    My 1262 is just newly purchased so I doubt it's defected.

    btw, may it be the elbow of the piping restricted the flow hence causes vibration and hamming sound?

    I was suggested by tank maker to use soft piping from 1262 to PVC piping w/o elbow for return so before I try it ...would like to know anyone tried before with good result :) ?

    pls advice.

    Good AM Mr Jameshong,

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    If your New Pump have Humming Sound, there's could be the Motor is still not Stable (Run In) yet, it is not Air Pocket, you can hear or feel it more Clearly when placing the Pump Outside the Tank (Dry Method). Let it Run for few more day and do not Throttle the Inlet and Outlet Flow. It should go away few days later.

    It is ok to use Flexible Hose on the Outlet Side but try not to use on the Suction side.

    Elbow is not ideally go for Outlet as it will create Some Back Pressure which may cause some Heavy/Over Load on the pump. If need to, try avoid Straight 90 Deg Elbow, you can find those Smooth Curve Elbow (Green Color) from any Accesory Fish Shop. And try to Shorten the Length on the Outlet Hose or Pipe.

    If you place the Pump in Dry Method, try to place it atleast 0.5 mtr lower than the Tank for Better/Easy Gravity Suction.



  9. Hi all,

    Currently, I'm using ehiem pump and find that it's a bit noisy(humming) so would like to know which brand of return pump is more quieter and price reasonable?

    To: Mr Jameshong,

    I had tried quite a number of Delivery Pumps between 600 ltrs/hr to 2300 ltrs/hr for the past of my Fish Tanks. And in my opinion, I will still prefered New Jet Pump, consider the Price, Efficient and Power. Also, I don't feel any noise in Submerged in Tank.

    For your info, my present New 1.5 Ft Cube Tank, I had changed to New Jet 2300 (Italy Make), - is Adjustable from 1000 to 2300 Ltrs/hrs and Power is own 38 Watts. And price is less then Sgd 110.00.

    For your info, please.



  10. Haha you are so ever polite with the salutation. No need for 'Mr' la. We are all reefers. Just be casual.

    Anyway, thanks for your recommendation. I bought it from Jireh yesterday. It is not much cheaper but the lady boss provides good service. For this kind of small item, the margins are usually quite tight and not much discount can be given.

    I bought the NAc3.5 instead of theNac3+. No particular research on it. Just that since it is a newer version so i bought it. On hindsight, the NAC3+ might be the better skimmer because it has a bigger neck. I remember reading somewhere that a bigger neck is always better. But so far i am happy cos it seems to be working pretty well.


    Good Am Skinbone,

    Thanks and you are welcome.



  11. Just found out through Jireh that they have the item for $150+. Might be able to squeeze some discount. I think get in singapore is easier for me as i will be travelling with family. Not quite worth the trouble to save $40 dollars.

    Good AM Mr Skinbone,

    Yes, consider the dimension of Packing Box, it will much quite troublesome to carry it back from Hong Kong.

    You can check with Mr Henry, ML - I think he can give a slightly lower price?



  12. iPhone4 and LV bag... Your 1.5' cube is quite an investment. Looking forward to see it blossom. iPhone4 and LV bag... Your 1.5' cube is quite an investment. Looking forward to see it blossom. Copious and good quality skimmate. Good skimmer.

    To: Mr Iskay,

    The Iphone 4 (Bare Phone with No Contract) and the LV Bag are cost more than Sgd 2k plus. I guess, I am paying more than anybody for the 1.5FT Cube Tank Set. Ha Ha.



  13. That skimmer can only be bought in Hongkong? Cause i'm hoping to get one.

    To: Mr Ukiya

    Correct me if I am wrong, Delighting or Jireh is the Shop which bring in this Skimmer. My was Packaged with the Complete Tank from ML, Mr Henry.



  14. nice..will be watching this thread.

    Please update on performance of NAc3 too. I am running a nano and will be keen to see if the NAC does the job well.

    As for the micro bubbles, it may be from the skimmer return. By experience, i suggest that u add another 2 pieces of glass as baffles at the section where water flows to where the return pump is. I understand that this situation might be improved over time as the skimmer plastic rids itself of its oil surface. However there will still be some bubbles ,like it or not.

    All experienced tank makers should advise on that, unless you requested for the baffles not to be there. It solves a whole lot of micro bubbles issues created by skimmers etc.

    Do google and research on baffles if you are not too sure what i am talking about. :)

    btw, with the iphone4 and LV bag, i am sure u made your wife very happy:)

    To: Mr Skinbone,

    Attached the Photos of the Skimmer Performance after One day.



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  15. Thanks Mr Skinbone & Gouldian for your Good Advise.

    Yes, there is Extra Baffles Plate (Desig by ML, Mr Henry) before the Return Compartment.

    I do observed that the Micro Bubbles is from the Skimmer, believe need to Run IN another couple of day and Fine Tune. Will sure check/highlight the Skimmer's Performance.



  16. Good Am Ladies and Gents,

    After almost 6 months of negotiation with my WIFE, finally, she agreed to allow me to Re-start a S/W Tank again. Of course, in return, she recieve a IPhone 4 and LV Bag.

    My New 1.5 Ft Cube Tank arrived on last Saturday (from ML, Mr Henry) and set up on last Sunday.


    1.5 Ft Cube with Sump

    Return Pump : 2500 l/hr, 55 Watts

    Skimmer, Bubble Magus NAC3+

    Chiller Artica DB 50 (1/15 hp) - reused from my last Fresh water Tank.

    Maxspec 110w LED Light.

    At present, the tank is just started Cycling, Micro Bubble returned to the Main Tank, believe it need to Run In and Fine Tune and still thinking/planning what to keep.

    Hope thing go well. And for sure, will need Advise and Help from the Senior and Expert in this Forum.

    Attached Photos.



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  17. Yay! Another nano reefer returns!

    What's the size of your sump tank? Photos will be good. That should help more in making choices for the right skimmer.

    Side topic: could you kindly post pics of your CRS tank? :blush:


    Good AM Bro Peacemaker,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    So far, I yet not confirm any Tank yet. But will looking for a 1.5 ft cube with Sump tank. Sure need someadvise for the size of the Sump from Bro in this forum and Tank Maker.

    As per your request, attached my CRS Tank. (I apologise for the lousy photos).







  18. Dude... I think where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    I also give 60% of my pay to my wife to manage. You're not alone. :rolleyes: I actually feel that this is a good arrangement. If I manage it myself, I think I would have a fish room like Cedric's! and become bankrupt leow. ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Bro Craftsman,

    I finally find my Blossom Pal and somebody understand me.

    Where u stay, we whould meet up often.



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