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Posts posted by lauep

  1. If you want the clam to grow at natural speeds, it would be good to dose phytoplankton throughout its lifespan. They filter feed all the time in the wild.

    Copepods are usually prey items for polyped animals like sun corals, SPS, sea fans, etc.


    Hi FuEl bro, thanks. I assume phytoplankton would be easily available at marine shops rite? =)

  2. Hi bro

    You can also dose Calcium additives manually.

    Having a CR with CO2 and solenoid, controller will ease the dosing regime.

    Young clams requires Phytoplankton. 3 inch and above are above to sustain themselves by making food from good strong lights.

    Would suggest you get 3 inch and above clams.

    good luck!


    I see bro... I intend to put about 3-5 clams in my tank.

    2 x 6 - 7" clams & the rest of them would be those about 3" in size.

    Are bigger clams harder to take care off?

  3. Hi all,

    I just got my new 3ft tank and I have plans to put 2 Clams (Blue Maxima & Squamosa).

    Do you essentially need a Calcium Reactor for its growth?

    Do clams eat also copepods as part of their supplementary diet?

    Besides a Calcium Reactor do you need other equipment for growth and stability?

    Your advise are greatly appreciated! :look: [/fo

  4. i haerd crocea need quite alot of light


    Hi bros,

    I'm a newbie here, so looking for info on clam care. Would like to check if you all have a Calcium Reactor in your marine tank system?

    Understand that clams need calcium for growth and only a Calcium Reactor can provide this mineral for clam growth. :blush:

  5. Hi clam, did not want to dilute your sale thread so moving it here:

    But is it ok to "downgrade" a Sailfin Tang to a tomato clown? Cos I thought my bioload very high liao.

    Yah you have quite a no of fishes in your tank liao. Having one more is really no good. Maybe just sell it cheap away.

    Try to keep these fishes you have alive for 3 - 6 months as a start.


    Hi jacky, thanks for the conversation shift.

    I did not realise the importance of swimming space for these fishes.

    I will do my best to keep these fishes alive in my care. :eyebrow:

    I intend to start the 4ft after 6 months to 1 year after this tank.

  6. bro, glad you are taking the welfare of the fish in consideration.

    thumbs up!


    It's a hard decision to make but its best for the fish. :cry2:

    I also don't want the fish to die under my care. I will learn the ropes of marine aquarium and slowly upgrade to a 4ft tank. That's my ideal objective! :blush:

    By then I will make a come back by getting the sailtang again. By then I hope I would be able to scale greater heights of marine reefing (like rearing more corals and other marine livestocks).

    But is it ok to "downgrade" a Sailfin Tang to a tomato clown? Cos I thought my bioload very high liao.

    I hope to learn from good people like you more in the future. ^_^

  7. Hmmm... I think I saw you... Victor testing it out for you, yea? That's quite a huge a$$ed HOB skimmer! Do give your reviews of its performance.


    Haha yeah! I was there this afternoon. We were doing a leak test before buying.

    What were wearing when you were there? Maybe I would have seen you too.

    Peacemaker - so far the skimmer is good. Will give elaborate details on the skimmer (Brand: Reef Octopus).

  8. the president speaks the truth.

    on top of that you do not need a sump to have a skimmer.. there are many good hang on skimmers.

    attempt sps if you have enough experience and attempt sps without a skimmer only if you know very well what you are doing and the full knowledge of your tank needs.

    looking at the sailfin in the tank i would suggest you put sps on hold 1st, at least till you have a skimmer.

    not being mean but its really a good outcome for the livestocks and yourself.

    and healthy sun corals are a pretty high form of bioload in my context.

    and the picture you used was backdated compared to your updated livestock list i supposed, and i do not see a wavemaker (><)"


    Hi bro, the pic attached is very recent (2 days ago.. I guess.. :rolleyes: )

    As for skimmer, I just bought a reef octopus hang-on skimmer today from Irwana. As least I have got the essentials for a marine aquarium. ;)

    I will slowly upgrade my tank to a 3ft once I get the hang of it. But its going to be a heavy investment.

    I think 3ft is the biggest that I will go cos I would like to reuse my equipments (chiller, skimmer, etc), which their max load is at 3ft.

    I know my tank is really too tiny for all residents already. Sigh... But all are too nice to give away thou.. :(

  9. Bro, to be brutally honest (and because no one else has said it yet,) your tank is way overcrowded,

    I would not add anything else to the tank, and would definitely contemplate selling or giving away the Tangs as it is.

    Even in a 3ft tank this is a very high bioload to be attempting SPS in.

    What kind of filtration, sump size and protein skimmer are you running?


    My thoughts exactly too.... but so far still ok (I hope) :angel:

    As at today, both of my clowns have already died, due to brooklynella.

    Now in my tank, these are the only residents:

    - 2 x Blue Tangs

    - 1 x Sailfin Tang

    - 1 x Spotted Mandarin

    - 1 x Camel Shrimp

    - 1 x Cleaner Shrimp

    - 3 x SPS

    I have attached a pic for easy reference on my tank layout.

    As for filter, I use a Eheim Canister 2215. No sump and no skimmer.

    But I have a chiller for the SPS.

    To be honest, I still dunno how does a sump works in a marine tank despite all my reading.

    Fuzzy Bro - would you be able to help me on this? :blush:


  10. *nod agree. There were times when people said that you cannot keep too many angels in a tank. Well I had 7.

    So I guess all roads lead to Rome. Just that some are easier, while others are more difficult....

    you just have to find one that suit you best at this point of time.


    Woah!! U had 7 tangs in a 2ft tank?? :shock:

  11. *nod agree. There were times when people said that you cannot keep too many angels in a tank. Well I had 7.

    So I guess all roads lead to Rome. Just that some are easier, while others are more difficult....

    you just have to find one that suit you best at this point of time.


    Yeap!! I agree with ya all. We must slowly explore this hobby and the characteristics of these


    Now that's the fun part of this hobby! :lol:

  12. Good to know that you have done some research. :)

    I'm not really an expert here, so my 2 cents worth...

    1. Tangs like your blue tangs and sailfin tangs will grow rapidly and require lots of swimming space. That's why they are normally recommended to be kept in at least 4 ft tanks and above.

    2. Even if your tangs seem to have enough swimming space, it doesn't mean they are not stressed as these fishes travel miles in the ocean everyday. Not to mention you have 3 of them squeezed in a 2ft tank, they will be fighting for territory. Highly stressed environment can result in many things, from torn fins to white spot outbreak in your fishes.

    3. As peacemaker has mentioned, your tank's pretty new, so it will lack pods for your mandarin fish to feed on. Mandarins are known to be finicky feeders, and most don't wean to processed food. What this means is your mandarin is probably going to starve to death unless it is already feeding on processed food.

    4. Your clownfish sounds like it died from Brooklynella. Common in clownfish and can spread to your other fishes. Suggest Formalin dips for your fishes. Pls do a search on the forum first to find out the ABCs.

    hope it helps!


    Oh man... I will keep a lookout for these few days on the tangs' behaviour in the aquarium. See if they are experiencing any disorder behaviours.

    Bro, regarging pt4. Where can I get Formalin for the clown? Understand that Formalin (aka Formaldehyde) is a chemical that preserves the dead... :blink:

  13. Bro your 3 tangs will not do well in such a small tank. I don't know how big they are now, regardless how small they are now, in no time they will be out of swimming space in a 2ft tank. Strongly suggest you either sell them off or upgrade to a bigger tank.

    I do hope you have cycled your tank, and have read all the basic reefing stuff.


    Hi Bro, my blue tangs only 4cm each (or smaller). Me sailfin tang is about 8cm.

    They still have swimming space thou. I only feed them once a day to control their growth.

    Yeah, I have already cycled my tank and have done my research homework.

    Btw, when I reached home earlier this evening, one of my Sebae clown died. The body was covered with a white membrane (dunno is it "frozen" due to the chiller or is it killed by virus?)hmm..... <_<

    I'm looking out for a "big brother" to teach me more about marine reefing as I am very very keen in sustaining this hobby. :blush:

    Dunno if I can learn more from ya all (Solo77, Comycus & Binosage)? :blush:

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  14. super high bioload, your sps will turn brown and then white.....lol


    Woah~! I see.... ok noted.

    I will just get 2 cleaner shrimps instead then.. I'll be going to Pinnacle to get them later.

    Thanks so much for the advice. :thanks:

  15. yr green wrasse if established may not like royal gamma. For shrimp, if you put 2 cleaners of similar or bigger size than your camel shrimp, it should be ok. For over crowding, let your SPS tell u....lol.


    I just got my green wrasse yesterday so I assume that its still not established yet (but I dun buy it lah just in case). It hid in the sand once I released into the tank. I thought

    I accidently threw it away with the plastic bag. Haha!!

    Bro, why my SPS tell me that its over crowding in the tank?

  16. Hi there good people,

    I just joined the reefing culture hobby. I currently have these critters in my 2ft tank:

    - 2 x Sebae Clowns

    - 2 x Blue Tangs

    - 1 Spotted Mandarin

    - 1 x Camel Shrimp

    - 1 x Sailfin Tang

    - 1 x Green Wrasse

    - 3 SPS corals

    I would like to know from you good people if its ok for me to add in:

    - 2 more cleaner shrimps

    - 1 Royal Gamma

    Would the bioload be too over-crowded?

    Many thanks for your advice.. :thanks:

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